Enid Sinclair, The Lonely Werewolf - 28

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Thanks to their past connections, the Headmaster was able to provide for the Addams Family.

It was the least she could do after their daughter was declared gone.

Lurch mournfully walked into the gloomy and frowzy room where the mistress of the Addams Family wept, crying silently as she stared out of the window with her lifeless eyes.

He let out a soft grunt and lowered the silver tray just before the woman. She looked over and let out a shudder, seeing the envelope placed on the black-decorated silver platter.

"It's arrived?" she gasped.

Lurch gave a grunt in answer, she let out another shuddering cry.

"Did... Mon Amour see this?" she looked up to the dead face of her butler.

He let out a few groans and grunts before pointing his head toward the door, she understood that her lover and son were out hunting fresh kill for dinner. Gomez was probably trying to cheer Wednesday up and himself.

"Horrible appreciation, Lurch," Morticia took the envelope and he trudged out without a trace.

She used her hidden scalpel and sliced the end open, pulling out several sheets of paper.

Her dark eyes panned over the words addressing her and apologies for everything, recognizing the handwriting of her former classmate, "Terrible thank you's, Larissa."

Morticia flipped through the pages of the case of missing students, realizing when they had started and what was the mystery behind it.

She was befuddled by how 13 students were able to disappear without anything left behind.

If only... she told me this beforehand... I would've defeated this mysterious taker for my daughter... she grieved.

Her eyes shut for a long moment, letting tears slip through as she thought about her eldest child. How she would never see her perform her full-body dissections or continue the solace music with her instruments.

Morticia flipped through the pages and saw the list that the Headmaster was so kind to inform, also giving more of her sole condolences with her handwriting.

Missing Students:

Assumed missing after May 30th's Blood Moon

Rowan Laslow

Sage Schnelle

Leonard Sangh

Cassandra Fitzherbert

Anh Griffiths

Maxwell Whitaker

Order is based on last appearance and time.

Her sharp eyebrows furrowed, wondering how so many students disappeared the first time and yet the administration nor Weems told her this when she transferred Wednesday. Even more ironic is it being a blood moon. She read on.

The respective roommates of the missing students declared they haven't seen them since the evening before the Blood Moon. It wouldn't be until search and rescue operations later that they were declared missing or taken.

our weird friendship anomaly (Wenclair)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ