Third Wolfing Experience's a Charm - 13

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The pair have been in and out of towns and villages, carefully avoiding the larger attractions of people.

They made sure the smaller places they had been visiting didn't have any news of the missing Addams on their latest news, which had news from like weeks ago.

Wednesday admitted that she wasn't impressed with the search for her, her parents didn't even bother putting posters looking for her in even the smaller towns. It made it easier for her and Enid to go through, yes, but the effort honestly was low par.

There was a lot... a lot, a lot, and a lot of walking.

A bit of walking in grass, mud, stone, dirt, water.

The sun and moon passed over their heads several times. It had been weeks since leaving Jericho and the moon was shaping to its fullest soon.

Wednesday and Enid silently acknowledged that the night that was impending after their walk today... would be a full moon.

It would be the second time Wednesday sees the grueling transformation of Enid.

She planned extra-carefully for this night to happen. It was a day's walk from this town to the next, so they would have to make a stop in between which is where Enid can safely transform.

Thankfully, no hunters or anybody would be nearby. The map has stayed true and Tyler was proven honest, so far.

Enid would be able to transform at the beginning of night without any danger or worries.

And Wednesday would get to experience the transformation all over again. The goth would let her run wild, knowing that she would stay in the safe zone and she does keep her little bit of humanity- which grows every full moon when she's close with a person!

Enid was still all bubbly and awkward, still attempting to talk more to Wednesday which has been slowly getting a bit easier every time.

Still not much is known about Wednesday, but still she was happy in the end just for simply having her there with her, staying by her side even when she transforms and comes back.

They were very fortunate for the amount of forests and woods this part of America had. The trees were very helpful in all sorts of ways, of course hiding a werewolf.

Wednesday and Enid's tracks started slowing down as they got closer to their stopping point for the night.

Just down by the trees that were less-crowded was a small stream, convenient. All around the other parts were more trees, obviously.

The cold season at the end of the year didn't bother them that much. Wednesday liked feeling "dead" and Enid was somewhat naturally used to it, though she does always prefer the hotter seasons. The blonde would still feel cold but she would be able to survive the colder climates longer than the regular human.

It wasn't the coldest part of the year yet, the grass still hasn't been frosted over or the water had partially iced over or anything. There was still some time but one could definitely tell it was winter.

Wednesday and Enid unpacked their travel-sacks and prepared a rest spot for the night until her wolfing-out.

A campfire sat in between the pair's own sleeping bags and belongings.

It was lit, and started crackling and burning, the flames radiating its heat and making Enid feel cozy as she wrapped herself in a blanket. She had already removed her good clothing and wore just plain underclothes.

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