A Shopping Spree! - 8

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Wednesday didn't question how when she woke up, she had a blanket wrapped around her and a pillow laid right in front of her on the table; she only sat up, threw the said blanket, and pillow at the blonde snoring loudly on the bed, before going through her morning routine silently.

The slumbering werewolf girl yelped when the pillow hit her head, making her jump literally out of the bed. But she was refusing to wake up, so she no longer stood on the floor but slumped to the ground like jelly, and went back to sleep.

Wednesday didn't like straying from her routine but due to the after midnight wander with Enid in the food market, the hours obviously shifted and her shoved-in time for writing her novel.

Wednesday finished her late morning routine and braids, even getting changed, and walked out and saw that the blonde was still sleeping. Only now she was on the floor.

She did a heavy eye roll and only went to finish up her last unfinished thoughts on her novel papers and packed it away in its separate pieces. She actually wasn't able to finish her thoughts because even with a pillow stuffed in Enid's face and a blanket over her, her snoring was still obnoxious.

Surprisingly, Wednesday didn't actually attempt to wake her up, the pillow throw was unintentional in waking her up for a few seconds but other than that, nothing else.

She kept her word on letting Enid get her rest, kind of.

And until now-

Wednesday literally threw a knife she had in her back pocket right next to where she assumed Enid's head was under the blanket.

The wooden impact and twang of the knife made Enid yelp again and flee away from the second object the Addams threw.

Enid was finally on her feet, straight kind of, and staring at the goth who just stared back without expression. Still panting from the murder attempt and sudden scare, "What the hell?!"

"Keep your voice down, it's 9:40 and I do not want my murder victim to be a person next door in this begrudged inn. My first murder deserves-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, murder, sappy first murder, and all that crap," Enid sighed and looked back at the knife, "is that really how you would wake someone up? Do you ever do anything normal?"

"Define normal."

"Uhh, conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected?" Enid surprisingly answered textbook words.



Enid cocked her head to the side, squinting at the goth, "And?"

"They're the Addams standard."

"Oh, of course, your family name," Enid scoffed and laughed sarcastically, "I know little but I could tell they're all like you."

"Wrong, very wrong," Wednesday emphasized that, not wanting an assumption of her like her mother.

After all, she will never be like her own mother. Wednesday curses that and all feelings and bonds associated.

Enid just yawned, "Whatever, I need... five more minutes," she slumps back onto the bed, her eyes becoming droopy, "snooze please-"

"Oh no you don't-" with Wednesday's sleight of hand, a knife had magically appeared in her hand getting ready to throw.

Enid's blue eyes widen and she jumps up, "OKAY! AWAKE! AWAKE! GETTINGGGGG readyyyyy!" she guffaws nervously and in an instant, is gone into the bathroom.

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