chapter twenty three

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I mockingly bow at him, slipping into the sleek vehicle. When he wanders his way into the driver's seat, I break the silence.

"Have you always smoked, or is that a new thing?"

"Have you always been petty, or is that a new thing?" His voice is cold, and knowing, causing a pinching feeling to rupture my heart.

I look down at my hands, trying to think of a good response.

"Do you hear that?" I cup my ear using my hand, pretending to listen to something. "Is it a plane? Is it a bird? Oh wait, no. It is the flying fuck I don't give."

I roll my eyes at him as I end my comeback, a small smirk falling on my lips. I know that the phrase it cringy, but it was all that came to me in that second.

"You are very funny cutie," Elijah says, sounding bored, "but I was joking, sooo..."

His voice turns light, and his fingers gently poke my sides, causing a loud laugh to escape my system.

"That is the laugh that I love." We both smile at each other, as Elijah pulls over at the mall parking lot.

We get out, and make our way to the Zara store, not having time for an ice cream now. Sandy is at the register, looking like she could sleep. Several customers are roaming the shop, pointing out different clothing items to their loved ones, or holding up the pieces of fabric, and comparing it to their bodies.

I disregard all of them, a soft smile sliding on my face at the sight of a now sleeping Sandy. One of her hands try to hold her head up, and suddenly she hits her head on the check out machine. I wince in an empathetic way, knowing how much it hurts to have your head hit against something hard.

Get it, because I was bullied for most my life. No, just me, ok. I guess dark humor is just my way of coping.

Sandy groans before noticing me and Elijah standing in front of her, both of us sporting slightly baffled faces.

"Ehi ragazzi. Ben tornato. Posso prometterti che non mi addormenterò addosso. Lo faccio solo quando il mio orario di lavoro è solitario," Sandy says sheepishly, looking everywhere but at us. Oh hey guys. Welcome back. I can promise that I won't fall asleep on you. I only do it when my working hours are lonely.

She gives me a friendly hug, before retreating back behind the counter. We all just look at each other for a couple of seconds. No one knows what to say.

"So, Eli, you don't have to stay. I can walk home. You know, I have a pair of legs for a reason," I tell the young man, trying to dismiss him, because I am sure that he has better things to do than wait for me to finish working.

"Um, how about no. After all, you do owe me an ice cream," he states matter of factly.

"Well, since you punched me in the face yesterday, doesn't that mean that you owe me a favor not the other way around," I snap at him, proving that I am right, by placing my hands on my hips.

"Ciaooooo. Scusa se interrompo la tua discussione che è parlata in un'altra lingua, ma veniamo pagati per lavorare e non litighiamo con i nostri ragazzi." Sandy's statement isn't supposed to be mean, but is rather trying to snap me out of my argument. Helloooo. Sorry to interrupt your argument which is spoken in a whole other language, but we get paid to work, and not fight with our boyfriends.

"Sì, amicizia. Fai il tuo lavoro e io ti aspetterò proprio qui." Elijah smirks, since he knows that he has won.

He throws himself upon the couch, that is positioned near the front of the store. I sigh deeply, massaging my temples with two of my fingers, before turning to Sandy.

"Non siamo una coppia." My sentence is blunt. We are not a couple.

She giggles slightly before replying, but I don't fail to notice the mischievous look that lingers in her eyes.

"Oh lo so. Avevo solo bisogno che voi ragazzi smetteste di litigare. Ma penso che voi due stareste così bene insieme." Oh, I know. I just needed you guys to stop arguing. But I think that you two would be so great together.

I grumble and mock Sandy for a few seconds before going to pick up the boxes filled with clothing items, that Mr. Fankrio had asked Sandy to tell me to un pack. A mouthful, I know.

When I am not running around, unpacking things, I am begging Sandy to tell me what my family do for a living. But she refuses to tell me. Her answer consists of a solid no, every time I ask. She almost seems afraid of what will happen if she tells me.

But I don't give up, because, like my father, I am stubborn.

At the end of my shift, I am close to sweating, which causes Sandy and Elijah to laugh. It is not funny. But I do end up taking Elijah out for ice cream at the same place we went, only days earlier. 'Bon Bon's Delights.'

The ice cream store is fun, and has a bunch of flavors. Eli and I made a deal. I pay for his ice cream, and he pays for mine. It seemed like a fair arrangement, and just to make sure that he lived up to it, I made him shake on it.

It felt great when our hands touched.

It ended up being a drama free day. The first one in a long few weeks.

A/N: Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for reading and for 5k reads. I hope that you all enjoy this chapter. If you did, please remember to vote, comment and keep reading. I love you all so much, and hope that you all read when I upload again tomorrow night. Byeeeee <<<3

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