Chapter 27 [Book 2]

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Before we get in to what may be the last few chapters of Book 2.

I just want to put in a shameless plug😅

I started a twitch channel: instantshin_ where I'll be streaming a whole variety of games. Right now it's valorant and Resident Evil 4, but soon because I have a memory of a goldfish, I'll stream Hogwarts Legacy like I'm playing it for the first time.

If you're interested in games like that please check my twitch out.

Alright, now for Chapter 27.
"And how are you sure about that?"

I let out a small cough, "well, Anne mentioned that she saw Ashok that night and the drinks."

I took a deep breath in, "the drinks, she recognised one of them to have Amortentia in it."

I watched as her expression sunk, it was clear that having amortentia in a drink, meant a bad outcome.

"But, Mr Sallow, he could've taken her anywhere."

I squeezed my eyes shut, "I know that Professor, but", I tried to stop myself from going into a panic, "it's the best chance we've got."

She nods as she leaves the room. Not a word after, I could only hope that means she and the Professors will do something at this point now.

I collapsed in my seat and released a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

"She must mean a lot to you", I jumped at the voice and my head swung to the portrait hung to my side.

That's right, Professor Fig was there.

"Hello Professor", I stood from my chair and walked towards the portrait. He looks the exact same as last year. His famous blue outfit and combed back hair.

He let out a laugh, "you're looking a year older Sebastian."

I chuckled, "and you haven't aged a day, Professor."

"Well, that's a perk that comes with death."

The atmosphere immediately became solemn as I spoke up in the silence.

"She misses you a lot", she doesn't know this but since Professor Fig passed, I saw how much she tried to hide her mourning. During the day, she would give tight smiles to everyone who would console her, but at night, I could always hear crying coming from the Undercroft. I wanted to go to her, I really did, but that time, was the worse for her and people trying to comfort her, just made it worse.

She was always reminded of Professor Fig anytime someone would try to give her words of encouragement to comfort and console her, so she pushed people away.

Until, one night, I went to the Undercroft and heard screaming and yelling as opposed to crying and in a panic, I rushed in to see Y/N frustratingly throwing curses around and when she met my eyes, she collapsed and broke down.

That entire night, I held her in my arms and she fell asleep.

"I have a feeling she must."

We shared a smile with each other, until another voice caught my attention.

"Eleazar, dear, who are you talking to?"

A woman, with her white hair pulled up into a tight bun, with a similar blue outfit.

"Ah, Sebastian", he gestured to the woman, "my wife, Miriam."

The woman who stood next to him nodded her heads towards me. A gesture I returned.

"I've heard good of you Miriam", I complimented.

"As you should", she replied.

Professor Fig pointed to me, "this is the young man who is courting the student I mentored."

Realisation seemed to have struck Miriam as she let out an ah sound.

"A fine and strong couple it seems."

"Of course", I agreed.

Just in that moment, the three of us heard the door open once again and returned Professor Weasley, except this time, she was joined by a few notable people. My friends, Professors and who I recognise to be Officer Singer with a few other Aurors behind her.

"Well, it seems the party has arrived", and with that Miriam and Professor Fig leave the portrait, but not before Professor Fig mentions.

"Bring her home, Sebastian."

"Of course, Professor", I replied just as Professor Weasley and the group approaches me.

"Well Mr Sallow, are you ready?"

I nodded.

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