Chapter 4 [Book 2]

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It was weird sitting in the Hogwarts Express. It had only been one full year that the carriage I was travelling in was attacked by a dragon and lost its backside.

So to not be travelling in the air, instead, surrounded by my friends and other students. To my right was Poppy and in front of me sat Garreth and Natty, the four of us chatting as the final whistle blew and not too long after, Amit came bursting into our carriage.

We laughed at his appearance, tousled hair, one hand resting on his knee and the other on the door he slammed open as he doubled over heaving.

Garreth was the first to speak up, "for a Ravenclaw, you sure are tardy."

Amit just glared at the redheaded Gryffindor before fixing his posture.

"Y/N, Professor Weasley requests your presence."

My eyebrows furrowed, I hadn't even arrived at Hogwarts and I was already being called on by the Deputy Headmistress.

I settled down my book as I followed Amit to Professor Weasley's carriage, knocking on the door, a gentle voice called for the two of us to come in, well, for me to come in, once Amit opened the door and I entered, I heard the door close behind me.

"Erm, am I in trouble Professor?"

I watched as Professor Weasley let out a laugh, "nonsense Y/N. Please, take a seat."

I sat in front of her as she offered me a lemon drop which I kindly obliged as lemon drops were my favourite candy.

"On the contrary of being in trouble. I've actually called you, because, I'd like to offer you a position as a Slytherin prefect."

Shocked, I began to choke on the lemon drop I had in my mouth as Professor Weasley immediately noticed, running to my side and patting me on the back. 

"Are you alright dear?"

Letting out a few coughs, I reassured her that I was fine.

"Prefect Professor?"

"Yes. Prefect."

I honestly couldn't believe it. I had only been at Hogwarts for one year and I was given a position that was usually handed out during the fifth year.

"But, why Professor?"

"Well, in your fifth year, I was actually planning to give the position to Anne Sallow, but the poor girl and that curse. Well, thank Merlin the death of Rookwood brought joy for her. But since she still won't be returning to Hogwarts, that left the position open. And, being my best student, in a year no less. I'd like to offer it to you."

A grin grew on my face as I offered the position with much excitement and it seems with my agreement, Professor Weasley was equally as excited. 

She continued to explain my duties and that I will be prefect alongside another Slytherin who I have yet to meet. 

Ashok Turner.

It was at the mention of his name that the door opened and turning in my chair, I almost fell out. 

There stood a boy, obviously my age, with jet-black hair, but the most beautiful blue eyes with glimmers of silver.

"Ah, perfect timing Mr Turner."

How had I managed to not see him all year last year?

"Well, Mr Turner, please show Ms L/N the prefect carriage, where I'm sure the two of you would like to get acquainted."

The Slytherin could only nod as he held the door wide open, indicating that I leave first. 

Thanking Professor Weasley I followed the boy out as he closed the door, leading me to a carriage not too far from the front.

The two of us sat as it was apparent that the other prefects have yet to arrive.

I took in my surroundings until a hand shot out in front of me.

My eyes shifted to see my fellow prefect, hand held out with his face turned away from me.

"Ahem, Turner. Ashok Turner."

I giggled as I took his hand in mine and shook it, "Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you."

 "L/N? Never heard of that surname before."

I let out an awkward cough, "um, well, I assume that's my name. It's all I've known."

In fact, not a lot of people know that I grew up orphaned. I wasn't even sure if L/N was my surname as a search through the Restricted Section records never turned up another L/N. And from asking Professor Weasley one time, it seemed that an L/N family line never existed.

"All you've known?"

"Erm, I'd rather not discuss it."

"Oh, of course."

Awkwardness filled the empty space as Ashok and I exchanged glances with one another before he let out a cough.

"So, the change of scenery must be different. And less, dire."

I quirked a brow at him to which he just stared at me blankly.

"Last year. Dragon attack?"

"Oh, right, yeah."

"So. How did you manage to defeat an entire army of goblins?"

I  looked at him as he laid back and held the side of his head against a closed fist, a smirk growing on his face.

If he wanted a narrative, it was a narrative he will get.

I went on for the entire train ride, recounting everything even the small, minute details. And by his expression, he was quite entertained.

I then felt the train come to a halt and peering out the window, I let out a gasp as the beautiful view of Hogwarts captured my attention.

"Beautiful, right?"

I whipped my head and my breath halted. Ashok's face merely inches from me as he too, stared out in the distance, absorbing everything that crossed his sight. The moonlight hit his face, illuminating his dark hair and making his blue eyes appear even brighter and emphasising that silver glimmer.

I shook my head. Bad Y/N, you like Sebastian.

It was then a Slytherin robe hit my face, sliding down, I caught a quick peek of a toned set of abs as it was quickly covered up by an identical Slytherin robe.

"I'm going to head out. Quickly get changed."

And with that, I stripped myself of my casual clothing before throwing on my Slytherin uniform, looking down to see the prefect badge shimmer with the moonlight.


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