Chapter 22 [Book 2]

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My eyes flickered as they squinted due to the bright light that stared at me.

Groaning, I sat up to see I had been moved to my bed in the Common Room. I rubbed a hand against my forehead as I slowly adjusted to the light and my exhausted state.

The knocking sounds alerted me as I looked towards the door to see Ominis and Professor Weasley standing just outside the doorway.

"Come in", and with that they did.

The foot of my bed dipped a bit with Professor Weasley's weight as Ominis stood at her side, his wand still holding out with its tip glowing red. 

"How are you doing, my boy?" She asked.

I shrugged and my hands fell with a slightly louder than need sound.

"Shrugging is not an answer", Ominis spoke up and Professor Weasley just looked at him with surprise and awe.


She started, "I know Sebastian."

She pushed her glasses up again, "right."

We all sat in silence, neither one of them in front of me knew what to say. I could tell Professor Weasley was trying to get words out with how her mouth opened and closed like a fish, but that didn't happen.

"Um", our heads snapped towards the door at the small voice and noticed a girl with her head peeking from the side.

"Ms Lupin", Professor Weasley spoke startled, "shouldn't you be in class?"

The girl stepped out from her hiding spot and I watched as she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet nervously, probably from the presence of the Deputy Headmistress. 

I don't know why, but I got out of my bed immediately and walked towards the little girl who seemingly began to shrink with every step I took, but that feeling eased once I crouched in front of her and pushed the hair covering her face.

"What's your name?"

"Anne. Anne Lupin", she answered shyly. I froze. Anne. 

But I kept myself composed, "you know, I have a sister named Anne."

She perked up immediately at this fact, "really?"

I nodded, "really, really."

I then took in her appearance, dark brown eyes and brunette hair, "you look like her too."

Honestly, the resemblance was uncanny and it scared me. She really did look like Anne in first year and it just made me think about her future, would something bad happen to her, just like Anne?

Professor Weasley spoke up again, "Ms Lupin, would you please answer as to why you aren't in class?"

She once again became shy and nervous. So I shifted my position so that Professor Weasley was no longer in her view. This didn't go unnoticed by the Deputy Headmistress, who tilted her head down in a glare and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Why are you here, Anne?" I asked gently. 

I could tell she was still intimated by the two behind as her eyes nervously shifted between me and over my shoulder, I immediately ceased this by putting against her cheek so she would only focus on me.

"Is something wrong?"



"Well, the Christmas Ball."

I sucked in a breath and nodded indicating for her to continue. 

"Um, I really like Ms Y/N, so when I saw her run out. I followed her. And well, I saw her running in the astronomy wing, but."

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