Chapter 8 [Book 1]

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I snuck my way towards his usual spot to once again see him waiting for me as per usual.

"Sebastian - it's been a while."

"It has. Glad you received my owl. I have something to show you."

This boy gets more mysterious every moment we meet.

"First, let me thank you for what you did in the library."

A smirk grew on his face, "of course - Scribner tried to give me detention, but I have my way out of these things."

"Well, you took the fall for me."

"Did you find what you were looking for?"

"I did, but something was missing - I'm not sure here is the best place to talk about it."

"Understood. We can talk more in a moment. In the Undercroft. Not even the professors know about this place."

The Undercroft sure sounded like a mysterious place, especially when Sebastian mentioned that the professors don't know about it. I mean if it can be hidden from someone like Professor Weasley, bloody hell, even Headmaster Black, then this was the place to be.

"This way."

He lead me to the end of the hallway behind a pillar where a clock stood, taking out my wand I tapped it against it, watching as the hands on the clock reversed, the door opening.

"How did you find this place?" You inquired.

"My friend, Ominis Gaunt. He named it the Undercroft", Sebastian continued to reminisce on how he, Ominis and his sister Anne would sneak in here to play Gobblestones, but it hadn't been the same since Anne got cursed since then he didn't step foot into the Undercroft. 

I couldn't help but feel guilty, this was a special place to them but it must've felt empty with Anne.

"I feel like I may be imposing", I hesitated to tell him that I didn't want it to feel like I was replacing Anne.

"Why would you say that?" He asked, concern evident in his tone.

"Well it's yours, Ominis and Anne's special place and well - "

He held a hand up to me, "hush, Anne would love to have you here."

I could only feel relief to know that he thinks so highly of Anne's feelings.

"Although, I should tell you: I swore to Ominis I would safeguard this place, so, please keep this between us."

I nodded.

"He never confides in anyone - but he's trusted me since the day we met. I wouldn't want to jeopardise that."

As he spoke, I began to remember Ominis, "I know Ominis. Met him in our common room. I've noticed he uses his wand to navigate the castle."

This is when I learnt that Ominis was born blind and with no spell to reverse it, was to grow up blind, but it was quite intriguing to see how his lifestyle is as a blind wizard. I guess it is true when Ollivander says, 'the wand chooses the wizard'.

"Is that how he found this place?"

Sebastian shook his head, "no. Someone in his family knew about it. The Gaunts are full of secrets."

So are you, it seems.

"Anyway, the Undercroft has been a perfect place to sneak off to - away from prying eyes - and even practise otherwise forbidden spells."

"Really? Like what?"

"Like the Blasting Curse. Practise it on the hanging flames, it may take a bit to feel it."

Feeling a surge of magic flow within me, I tossed my hair back scoffing as I stood in the middle of the room, turning to each target.


I looked over my shoulder to see Sebastian just staring at me with awe since I basically mastered the spell after a quick verbal lesson. 

I bet he was expecting me to fail the first few times, but it seems I was just equally if not better than he is with the dark arts.

'Hmm', he thought, 'interesting'.

"Colour me impressed", he nodded, "by the way, what was it you couldn't discuss earlier?"

That's when I explained everything to him, from the dragon to the Goblins, to the weird pensive memories and the Ancient Magic and while he was still coming to terms with everything, I could tell that he was doing his best to understand and that he most certainly wouldn't tell anyone.

I'm glad I trusted him.

"Say, asides from all the weird magic stuff, why don't you join me the next time I head to Feldcroft? Meet Anne. She could use some cheering up."

A playful smirk rose to my face, "my, my Mr Sallow, already taking me to meet the family?"

I could see a blush quickly appear on his face, but as quickly as I saw it, the quicker it disappeared as he burst out into laughter, "quite the Slytherin you are, but I guess I am taking the missus to meet my family", he joked as he swung his arm on my shoulder.

I immediately smacked his arm off.

"Alright, alright, but yes Anne would definitely want to meet you, but unfortunately, that also means having to meet my Uncle Solomon."

I could see the solemn look on his face, but chose not to press, "I look forward to it.."

Sensing he was still upset, I decided to do something that he didn't expect and I most certainly didn't expect to do, but the moment felt right.

Walking up to him, I wrapped my arms around him, "good night Sebastian."

I exited the Undercroft, only to unfortunately spot Ominis. As best as I could, I tried to sneak past him, but he was too aware.

"Wait, you there. I can hear you."

Well, time to talk my way out I guess, "oh, hello, Ominis. I was just heading to our common room."

"I recognised that voice. You're the new fifth-year. Did you just come from the Undercroft? How did you get in there?"

Looking towards the clock I just exited, many scenarios ran through my head to see which may save me from Ominis' wrath.

"That room's called 'the Undercroft?' Ah. Well, I was exploring and suddenly found myself in a strange passageway - "

Ominis' voice suddenly rose, "don't lie to me! No one 'stumbles' upon that room. Sebastian told you, didn't he?"

I sighed, there's no use trying to hide it now.

"I won't breathe a word about the Undercroft. And Sebastian is a good friend. You shouldn't immediately assume the worst of him."

"I don't need you to tell me about my oldest friend, thank you very much."

"Omini, I just meant - "

"I know what you meant. Sebastian gets himself in enough trouble. He doesn't need your help", I just wished at this moment Ominis could see to see that I care about Sebastian and didn't want this one moment to ruin their relationship.

He let out a frustrated sigh, "Sebastian is going to get an earful about this."

I took this as a sign to leave, so I began to make my way to the Common Room, only looking back to see Ominis enter the Undercroft.

'Good luck, Sebastian'.


Well, that's the end of the Undercroft chapter.

Honestly, I didn't expect it to be this long, so the scene where I wanted Ominis to confront Sebastian will have to come as its own mini-chapter.

I'm quite excited for you all to see how it goes, who knows, maybe we will have a love confession?

Just joking, but it will definitely be cool to see what happened, of course in my own interpretation.

Thanks for reading this recent chapter!

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