Chapter 25 [Book 2]

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It was another day of living in the Turner Manor and I decided to take a jaunt around the manor's garden.

It was a quiet evening as Ashok and his father went into town, leaving the manor to Alessandra and I. I wasn't too sure where she was as I haven't seen her all day. For the few days she's been here, I feel she's acted quite a bit strange around me, almost secretive.

As I strolled through the garden, I became distracted by a squirrel that dashed in my path.

"Oh my!"

But as I followed its body leaving, a hole in the garden's wall caught my eye, and not a small hole that could've been made with age or damage, but a hole big enough for a person to enter through.

As I got closer to it, I swivelled my head to check for anyone around me and once I deduced it was clear, I squeezed my body through the hole and-


My body fell and immediately I shut my eyes, already accepting my possible death. But, no.

My body bounced off what seemed to be a giant cushion and onto carpeted flooring. Standing up, I brushed the dust off my dress and took in my surroundings.

There was old books everywhere, a table with papers scattered and stains of ink present. In the corner was a worn couch. From the looks of it, this room hasn't been used in quite some time.

I went closer to the table to investigate it and my eyes widened, right in the middle of the desk was a large parchment containing a family tree.

Peverell Family Tree

I've heard of this family before, but I've also heard that the name is extinct, but their blood still runs through descendants of other names.

It was clear that this family was fading as members born centuries ago had the images almost faded, their names still very present though. But something interested me, there was an image of a man, well faded, but unlike everyone else, he didn't have a line connecting.

"Transito", I whispered as I ran a finger over his faded image.

Then my eyes squinted, sat near the family tree parchment was a frame and in it was a drawing of a very beautiful woman. I must've been imagining it but she sort of, looked like me?

I shook my head and perked up at the sounds of heels clicking. A familiar melodic clicking.

"Alessandra", finding the nearest hiding place, I dashed, not realising I had knocked the frame until too late, the shattering sound of glass reverberated.

"Who's there?"

I immediately slapped my hand against my mouth to avoid any sound to release.

"I said, who's there?"

Her footsteps got closer as I got a peak. No longer was she in an elegant dress, instead, she sported an elegant suit. Perhaps it was her Auror uniform, but why wear it if she's on break?

Her figure bent down as she picked up the broken frame, using her slender fingers to brush away any remnants of glass as she removed the moving picture of the woman.

"Oh, Alice. I wish you were still here", she murmured.

Who was this Alice?

Completely distracted, I tried to sneak away, not realising some glass was in my path.

Crunch, I froze but it was too late, Alessandra's head snapped to my direction.


I stood up sheepishly, "hello, Ms Turner."

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