Chapter 20 [Book 2]

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Trigger warning: Taking advantage, non-consensual intimacy.


The girls' dormitories were as bustling as ever. 

With classes cancelled for the rest of the week and the Christmas Ball happening in no less than 3 hours, the girls' dormitories were a mess, well the whole school was a mess. 

Students rushed to Hogsmeade for last-minute things, the girls' dormitories were cluttered with makeup, hair brushes and dresses and the boys were stressing under the pressure of impressing their partner for the ball. 

"Imelda put that wretched golden thing away!"

"Priscilla can you charm my hair shorter, I forgot to get a haircut!"

"Has anyone seen my blush, I look like Peeves!"

While all the other girls were darting throughout the dormitories, I sat on my bed, fiddling with the ends of my robes, finding the floor more interesting than taking much care of my appearance, made apparent by the fact I have yet to get ready.

My bed dipped a bit as Anne collapsed next to me, clearly exhausted from helping out the others, "you're not ready yet?"

I shook my head. 

"I can help."

"It's okay Anne", I look past her to see the girls fully dressed in their beautiful evening gowns, content with the way they look and excited to make the jaws of their partners drop. 

I gave her a smile, "you've done enough."

All of a sudden, she stood up and went to stand in front of me, "alright, enough of that. We're not going to let my idiot of a brother not allow you to be the most beautiful girl at the ball."

She grabbed me by the hands and hauled me to one of the vanities as she forced me down and let out a call to the girls who collectively nodded their heads at each other and grabbed what they needed and went to work. 

I sat there in silence as my hair was tugged, the brush pulling through my strands as brushes touched my face. 

"Okay! Get dressed."

They pushed me to the dressing screen in the corner and I saw as my dress was the last one set up, the only one untouched. I stared at its beauty, the pure white fabric as it laid upon layers and ruffles. The way the sleeves started off the shoulders and the way the gold lace trim fell from the edges. The way the waist cinched then splayed out, gold lace, trim and stitching decorated every area of it. 

It was beautiful. 

Anne had promised me she would find a beautiful dress and while in search, managed to find her mother's old wedding gown. I protested but she insisted and of course, Anne tended to become threatening in order to get what she wanted. 

Next to the dress was a beautifully made silver tiara and a gorgeous set of emerald jewellery. 

I took my time to get dressed and when I stepped out, not a single word was spoken. It was so full of silence that you could hear a wand drop.


Then Anne burst into tears.

"Anne, are you alright?"

She rushed to me and pulled me in a hug, "you look beautiful!"

The girls behind her agreed. 

"Mother would be so delighted that you wore her dress."


"Yes! Now come, we must meet our Prince Charmings."

We all laughed as we hooked arms with each other and exited our dormitories and began to make our way to the Great Hall. 

Secrets of SallowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora