Chapter 25 [Book 1]

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Entering the cavern, I realised I had our work cut out as we were now faced with having to defeat spiders as opposed to goblins.

"How charming."

And not even a few minutes later, the damned cavern decided to throw trolls into the mix.

"Merlin, life couldn't get any better."

Travelling throughout the cavern, more and more of a beautifully built area revealed itself to us.

"This place can't have belonged to only Isidora", I pointed out.

"But the triptych pointed us here", Sebastian replied.

Going through a door that shared the same symbol of Ancient Magic, I entered a room that could only have been used by Isidora to hone her magic.

And finally, I found the final canvas piece for the triptych.

"We've done it!" I squealed, letting out a sigh of relief to know all this trouble has been worth it.

Sebastian approached me, "Isidora should not have had to keep all of this secret."

This led me to mention how from what I have seen in the memories, Isidora and the Keepers did not see eye to eye on her use of ancient magic. But what I couldn't understand is why she went to such great lengths to tell her story without the Keepers' knowledge.

Sebastian commented, "I wish you could see one of her memories."

I honestly wished that too, feeling it would be helpful to see her perspective on everything.

I went off and found another passageway, once again, leading to the Undercroft where I placed the final canvas piece.

And what we found was.

"It's empty?"

There was no Isidora present, just a beautiful painting of scenery.

Then suddenly, the sound of something appearing caused Sebastian and I to turn around and what I found was a Pensieve awaiting us to view its memories.

No way.

Slowly approaching it, I saw traces of ancient magic floating above it and to confirm my suspicions, I turned back to the empty painting.

It must be.

I touched the traces of magic which let a drop of the memories enter the Pensieve.

"What is it?" Sebastian inquired, as in this moment, I remembered that I was the only one who could see the ancient magic.

Choosing not to reply to him, I simply put my head in the Pensieve's water. Sebastian shortly followed.

This was it. Isidora's memories.

So far, everything I witnessed has been the same as the previous memories, but the very thing that was new answered what I questioned so far.

Isidora was in cahoots with goblins. Bragbor.

I pulled my head out and gasped, whilst Sebastian had his own realisation.

"She took away the pain", I couldn't react, only focusing on my own thoughts as I stared at the triptych, trying to piece everything together.

Sebastian smiled in glee, "I knew it. I knew there was a way to help Anne."

"Something isn't right, Sebastian", I spoke turning back to face him.

He stared at me in confusion, "what do you mean? You saw what she did."

"No, not the memories - the portrait."

"I think the reason Isidra hasn't appeared is because she can't."

"I don't follow."

I continued, "we've seen that view before. The abandoned home in Feldcroft. the destroyed painting. It was her."

Sebastian just groaned.

"So, someone destroyed a bit of enchanted canvas - but we found the memory."

Not wanting to fight, "yes, yes. You're right."

"We saw what she wanted us to see. We saw what she could do."

He pointed from the Pensieve to me.

"What you can do!"

"But - I don't know how to do what Isidoa did", I exclaimed.

"Well, then you shall learn. The Keepers can teach you."

I could only look at him with uncertainty, "I'm not sure that they would."

I reasoned with how the Keepers believe that removing someone's ability to feel pain is a highly complicated and unpredictable form of magic. One that should be wielded with great care, if at all.

"If at all?"

Sebastian could only fight back.

"You've overcome all their challenges. You've more than proven yourself."

I watched as he was becoming ever so agitated.

"You can wield it. You have the ability."

Walking towards the painting, my mind was wild with thoughts. On one hand, I wanted to wield this magic and use it for good and not in the way Isidora did. But, I was scared that this power would overtake all sense and I would end up just like Isidora.


"Please. Talk to the Keepers. If not for me, then for Anne."

I squeezed my eyes shut in an attempt to clear my mind as I inhaled deeply before turning to Sebastian and nodding.

My heart tightened at the smile he wore on his face as I knew that I couldn't promise everything will go the way he wants.


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