Chapter 5 [Book 2]

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Author's Note

I'm going to try my best and upload every day, if not every two days.


"First years this way!"

I gave gentle pushes to the backs of the children directing them towards the boats to ensure they will arrive at their first Hogwarts Feast and Sorting Ceremony on time. Ashok smiled in my direction as he organised groups of kids onto boats.

I felt my cheeks flush as I looked away.

Once arriving at Hogwarts, I was still amazed by the castle every time. 

After leaving the first years, Ashok and I made our way up to the Great Hall.

"So how come I never saw you in fifth year?"

I decided it was time to break the mould. I knew our year wasn't that big, but somehow, Ashok had never once crossed my path.

He just laughed, "I guess I was in the shadows type of person."

I eyed him suspiciously but thought nothing of it. The two of us took a seat in the back with a few other fifth-year Slytherins who greeted us.


"Hey, Y/N!"

I sat next to Violet as the two of us began to talk about our summers with Nerida and Imelda joining in our conversation. All three girls seemingly ignore the Slytherin boy sitting in front of me.

It seems he is an in-the-shadows type of person.

That was until Ominis took a seat next to him, setting down his wand in the direction of Ashok.

"Hello, Turner."

Noticing the Gaunt sat next to him, Ashok turned to glare at him before turning back to find a mountain of Yorkshire Pudding more interesting. 

"Gaunt", he sneered.

I stared between the two of them confused. I decided to bring it up to one of them later.

The sorting ceremony went by faster than I thought, not realising the whole time that a certain Slytherin has yet to make an appearance.

The first feast of the year was over quicker than the ceremony and Ashok and I stayed back to show the first years to the dormitories. Gathered in a small group, I looked around at all the faces in front of me, their expressions a mix of smug, excited and nervous.

I smiled, a sort of sad smile as I realised I would never experience this. 

Being a late bloomer, I was sad to know that I would've never been able to experience Hogwarts for the first time with my fellow students.

My mind then went on to imagine what each of my friends would've looked like as a first year. 

Especially, what would have Sebastian been like? I could already imagine how cute he looked as opposed to now. Now, he was handsome and hot. 

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice some calling for my attention until an elbow nudged my side as I was pulled out of my mind to see the group of first years and Ashok staring at me.

I was then reminded why I was standing where I was.

"Sorry, what were you saying Ashok?"

He let out a chuckle, "you, Miss Prefect, are going to show the first years the way to the dormitories."

"Right", I blushed embarrassed.

"This way", as I began to walk in the direction of the dungeons, the first years following behind me with a few chatters amongst the group.

Most of the walk was focused on the first years making friends with each other until one of them spoke up.

"Um, Miss L/N?"

I stopped and turned to see a young girl, whose name I remembered was Anne Lupin. 

"Yes, Anne Lupin correct?"

The little girl nodded.

"Is it true that you thought goblins underneath Hogwarts?"

All conversations halt and I was caught off guard by the question. I knew the event was heavily discussed amongst Hogwarts but I wasn't aware it reached beyond.

"How on earth did you know that?"

The older boy next to me burst into laughter as another student spoke up.

"It was in the Daily Prophet. I saw my daddy reading it the other day."

I was just about to answer the young girl's answer when I was bombarded by questions and admiration by the students, Anne now shoved at the back. I looked over to Ashok with a look screaming for help. 

After letting the first years smother me for a bit, Ashok came to them dispursing the meet and greet before leading them to the dungeons.

I turned to see Anne unmoving, so I walked up to her and crouched so I was at her level.

"Are you okay Anne?"

She just shrugged with her head down as I tilted her head to see her face with tears streaming down her face.

Reaching up to wipe her tears I  asked what was wrong.

"It's just, everyone else on the train had families to say goodbye to, they keep talking about how they want to be great wizards like their parents. But, I don't have that."

I then learned that Anne's father was taken away after he was founded out to be an unregistered lycanthrope by a colleague and now Anne was living under the care of her brother Oswald Lupin who was constantly on business as a magizoologist. 

So as an orphan, it was understandable why Anne felt different to all the other students, so after embracing her, I reassured her that Hogwarts was now her family and led her to the dungeons where Ashok has already led all the students in.

I entered but Anne refused to leave my side so here I was listening to Ashok give the students a rundown with the Lupin girl clinging to my side.

As Ashok dismissed the first years, I too went with them to put Anne to bed, opening the door to the first-year girl dormitories, the group of girls turned to me as they collectively acknowledged me.

Anne peeked from behind me before ducking back. 

"Come on, you need sleep", I turned to face her, "and to make friends."

She just shook her head. 

But then, a girl with the whitest blonde hair I had ever seen and the same blue-silver eyes as Ashok came towards us.

"Hi, I'm Lucinda Malfoy!" She chirped.

I have heard of the Malfoy family, and this girl was not at all related to the rumours I have heard about them.

Anne peeked out once again, "Anne Lupin."

With no warning, Anne was ripped from my side as Lucinda dragged her to her bed and began to show Anne a variety of muggle-related objects as she explained how her family house elf would sneak them to her.

A unique Malfoy

I have heard how they were similar to the Gaunts. Descendants of Salazar Slytherin and very prejudiced about blood status, particularly towards muggles. So it was a surprise to me when Lucinda boasted about all the muggle objects she processed. 

So glad I'm not related to Salazar Slytherin.

Oh, how wrong I was about that statement.


Oh my goodness, what does that last sentence mean?

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