Absolute Justice

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With Superman already weakened by the dagger, Batman is able to block his
blows and slice him again. The two engage in a test of strength and Batman
drops the dagger, which Wonder Woman picks up and gets away from Superman. With his powers already starting to come back, Superman charges Batman and holds him up by the throat. Supergirl runs in to try to stop him.

Supergirl: You don't want to do this! (holds Superman's arm down)

Green Lantern then charges in and tackles Superman away from them. Supergirl and Y/n helps Batman to his feet.

Green Lantern: Stop, Clark! this is over! (Supergirl flies behind him)

Wonder Woman draws her sword, but Flash goes behind her and holds her back.

Flash: Uh-uh.

Wonder Woman gives him a vicious elbow to the chin and you run at her to try and put her down. Green Lantern raises his fist to put Superman down with a light construct, but Black Adam grabs Supergirl from behind. Aquaman then joins the fray, ready to stab Batman
with his Trident. But Batman senses him coming and dodges, throwing another
smoke bomb. As Aquaman coughs from the smoke, Batman charges in with quick strikes. Superman punches Green Lantern. Green Lantern makes a shield but Superman punches hard and breaks it. Still Lantern escapes and makes a big
green hand, crushing Superman. He then throws the Man of Steel out of the
ship and into Gotham below. He then flies away in pursuit. Whilst this was happening, Aquaman is still trying to attack Batman, who deftly dodges his Trident strikes. Batman grabs the Trident and gets into a struggle with the Atlantean King.

Batman: Arthur, don't do this! You don't want to follow Clark!

Aquaman: I'm not following ANYONE! (kicks Batman away) You've NEVER understood Atlantis, Bruce! We are an ancient people with an old-fashioned
sense of justice!

Both are agile and strong. Aquaman has reach advantage with his Trident, but Batman's other gadgets tilt the battle in his favor.

Batman: Atlantis needs to get with the time.

Aquaman stands from his beat-down and thrusts at Batman, but he spins and takes the Trident out of Arthur's hands and runs it through his leg. As Aquaman
writhes in pain, Batman backs up.

Batman: I'm tired of fighting you, Arthur.

Meanwhile, Black Adam is using his power to attack Supergirl. Batman tries
to sneak up, but Adam zaps him as well. Adam then tackles Batman out of the
ship. Flash is busy having a to-do with Wonder Woman; he knocks her down
before zipping over to check on Supergirl and Y/n.

Supergirl: (standing) Batman knew they'd double-cross him. We have to move!

Black Adam holds Batman by the arms over the streets of Gotham and smiles
that evil smile of his.

Black Adam: There's no escape. (Batman headbutts him) You wish to fall?! So
be it! (lets go of Batman)

Batman falls but since he has his glider suit he glides to a stop on the streets of Gotham. He turns to see Black Adam landing near him.

Batman: Go back to Kahndaq, Adam! Stay here and you'll be prosecuted!

Black Adam: You'd have to capture me, Batman. And I've underestimated you for the last time.

While Adam's as strong as Amon and powerful as Aton, the courage of Mehen fails him when Batman's speed and diversity of attack catches up to him. It should be a mismatch but it ain't; Batman knocks the ancient ruler

Batman: All that ancient wisdom, wasted. (gets on comm) Supergirl, where are you?

Supergirl: (on comm) They're following me and Y/n is also with me.

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