Plan To Save Superman

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High above in the skies, the Batwing flies towards Brainiac's ship. Batman and Catwoman are inside piloting it.

Catwoman: Superman and Supergirl are almost here. The others are tackling the
fleet. Shouldn't we be in Gotham?

Batman: Brainiac controls the entire fleet from that Skull Ship. Take him
down, take them all down.

Catwoman: (watching the radar for enemies) Contacts, dead ahead!

Batman looks up to see a bunch of Beta ships heading straight for them. He
manages to evade their laser blasts and shoot back, continuing to head for the Skull Ship. The Kryptonians arrive and start blasting the other Betas with their heat vision, blasting a hole in their defenses.

Catwoman: The gave us an opening!

Batman: Locking on the Skull Ship!

He has good skill and so he fires three missiles at the ship. They connect but do low amounts of damage. Inside the ship, Brainiac sees the damage done.

Brainiac: Shields.

The shields not only cover the ship but also sends out a blast that zaps the Batwing's controls, sending it to down and fast. Catwoman looks at Batman for what to do.

Catwoman: Five seconds to impact!

Batman: Prepare to eject!

Catwoman: Three seconds!

Suddenly, Superman flies in and holds them up.

Superman: You're welcome. (spins the Batwing around, allowing it to hover)
What just happened?

Batman: Brainiac's force field is creating a concussive feedback loop.

Superman: So, the harder we hit it, the harder it hits back. (Supergirl, having not heard this, flies towards the ship) KARA!

Sure enough, Supergirl tries to punch the ship, but the shields zaps her.  Furthermore, when Superman goes to help her, he gets blasted as well. The shields then blasts the two Supers down to the ground.

Brainiac: The Kryptonians are incapacitated. Complete the extraction.

The Daily Planet Building is next to be sucked up. Soon, inside the ship, Brainiac smiles as he sees a digital form of Metropolis all his.

Miles outside of what's left of Metropolis, Superman and Supergirl lay in a crater made by their impact. Superman comes to first, groaning in pain as he gets up. He goes over to Supergirl and uses his X-ray vision to see her heart still beating; she's just unconscious. He then looks up at the Skull Ship and in his anger, he flies up.  He then looks down. Metropolis, the city he called home, is now one massive crater just like it was when it was nuked nearly a decade ago and, just like when he killed Lois to make it happen, Superman does not take it well.


He flies into the ship twice, trying to break through the shields. Then the Batwing flies up.

Batman: Superman, the force shield concentrates its energy at your point of attack! Move faster than it can and you might break through!

Superman: Got it.

Superman, who can travel many times faster than light when need be, starts punching hard and then moving before the blast can hit. He goes all around the ship, going faster and faster. Inside, Brainiac is getting rocked around but remains calm.

Brainiac: Creative but insufficient.  Decrease shield refresh interval to
ten picoseconds. (That's one hundred billionth of a second.)

That seemed to do it; the next punch landed by Superman sends the concussive feedback into him and knocks him into Metropolis crater.  He's still conscious, though; he is able to stand as the ship starts to descend upon
him. A tentacle lowers and blasts a ray many times more powerful than the
Betas'. Superman grunts in pain but stays upright. Meanwhile, Supergirl has awoken and flies to see her cousin in trouble, multiple tenacles now blasting
him. He drops to his knees and his skin starts to crack. As Supergirl gets closer, an explosion is seen, knocking her, the Batwing and Brainiac's ship backwards.  Supergirl recovers the fastest and looks very worried.

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