Cowboy's Redemption

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A reminder this is set when you get to the hideout after being injured by Diana and when you and Supergirl destroy some Betas.

When I arrived at the hideout I walked over to my room were I had some bandages and a fresh suit waiting for me. Whilst I was bandaging myself up, I was in deep thought. All I could think about was Supergirl and how cool she was. She was amazing, cute and strong. No one could be better than her. Right then I realized I was in love with her and I knew I would do anything in my power to protect her from the regime and their lies. Half truths. But I started to hear arrows being fired, gunshots and an explosion. I only knew one person who uses a gun and an explosions. Cole Cassidy. However I only know that Green arrow and red arrow are bow users and the duo are dead. This is certainly a mystery. So I headed to the sound of the explosion. I passed through corridor and walk ways to the new battle field and what I thought was confirmed. Cassidy was fighting someone. He was fighting my brother, Hanzo. But what is he doing here.

Y/n: Hanzo? Is that you?

My voice stunned him and Cassidy shot him. I shouted my brother's name and went to deflect the next shot.

Cassidy: so Genji is a shimada?

Y/n: I used to be, now I'm everything but a shimada

I dashed in and tried slashing at Cassidy's chest except he rolled out the way and threw a dynamite stick. It catches you off guard and blows up. Denting Your armor. You throw your shurikens and Hanzo gets back up and shoots an arrow at Cassidy. Genji dashes at Cassidy preparing to deliver the final blow. Cassidy rolls away but he wasn't prepared for four quick arrows shot by Hanzo. That made Cassidy fall to the floor. You put your foot on him and draw your dragon blade. Pointing it at his neck. Except he smirked and shot you four times in different places on your body. The bullets go through the armor and cause some pain and bleeding. Hanzo kicks him to the ground and removes any weapons he has. You then put your Dragon Blade at his next but hesitate to carry on. Cassidy saw this and said something.

Cassidy: do it. End me

Y/n: no, everyone deserves a second chance at redemption.

Cassidy: how, I've done so much to destroy this world and you think I can do good

Y/n: everyone in this world can do good. If you want redemption, help take down Brainiac's Betas and get citizens to safety.

When he goes I look at Hanzo. My brother. I haven't seen him since he was praying for forgiveness.

Hanzo: Y/n, I am sorry for what I have done to you

Y/n: it is alright Hanzo, you are my brother and was pressured to do it. It isn't your fault.


Y/n: it doesn't matter and it's not your fault because I never died. I never saw death. My new mum saved me and gave me these cyborg parts. I feel more alive than ever in this.

You hug Hanzo and he returns it. It had been some time when you two were together. Now with Hanzo abandoning the clan you and him have made a promise to never under any circumstances, leave eachother's side. You knew one day you would show him your mother, if you guys won the war against Brainiac and relock up Superman that is. He did ask to join your little family which you obviously said he could join. Hanzo Ziegler and
Y/n Ziegler. But as good as this was, someone had to do watch Cassidy.

Y/n: so Hanzo, someone has got to make sure Cassidy is doing hero like work.

Hanzo: I will, as I'm aware you are with Batman and you are helping him

Y/n: thank you Hanzo. If you need help call me

You then gave him a small communication device that can be put into the ear.

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