Chapter 13 Part 2

Start from the beginning

"The super scan hasn't picked up anything. I'll keep searching. For now, meet up with the girls." Cam provided directions to Kya and Emi respective locations.

Alexei headed south, while I went east. The fastest way to Kya's location would be to find a connecting lake.

Said lake was a few feet from our arrival point. The Island Sector was different from the other sectors in ___________ways. Instead of a giant landscape connected via paths or tunnels, several mini islands of various sizes. Each island consisted of palm trees, 'grass', hills, and a 'beach'. There were also 'lakes', digital code that , like Way Towers, provided access to different islands. So far we've been unable to determine which lakes connect to which island.

Crossing my fingers, I hopped into the lake. Going through the digital waters felt like the transfer process to get to Lyoko.

Landing on the other side of the lake took me to the island Kya was on. Several feet away, she stood a top a platform switching between her shields and attacking. Kranlets swarmed her from the front and sides. The shields protected those areas, but not her back. Two blocks approached the rear. My chakrams flew from my hands as I closed the distance.

The first chakram slammed into the Xana mark destroying the block.

Catching the first chakram, I used it to block an incoming laser. The second weapon circled back landing several feet from me. Pinned by the lasers, I chose to for go blocking.

Dropping down, I grabbed the chakram. Weapon in hand, I slashed the blok's eye of Xana. I backed away, than explosed. Moving towards Kya, I took out the kranlets on her left and right. This allowed Kya to lower her shields to take out the remaining kranlets in front of her.

"I take it you got/recieved our message?" Kya asked.

"What happened? How did Xana find out?" I asked, as I placed my chakrams on my back/hips.

"We were ambushed on our way to the Island sector. Not only us, but the clones were attacked as well." Kya suryed the area. Seeing no other monsters, she turned in the direction I came from.

"So you weren't able to make it to either tower?" At least they'd finished with the Tundra sector.

Kya shook her head. "We were on our way to the second tower in the Island sector when we were ambused."

"I think Xana attacked all of the clones, because he didn't know which ones were the real ones."

"That's unusual, Xana's not one for being reckless." Previous experience revealed that Xana's attacks are delirate.

Kya shrugged. "Computers aren't my thing, I'll stick to fighting monsters."

"Glad to hear that, you'll have a ton of fun." Cam said, a sacastic edge/tone to his voice. "Xana's sent monsters to Alexei's location."

"We'll met up, where are they?" I asked.

"No, her for the mountain sector. That's where the/an activated tower is." Cam gave direction to the/a Way Tower.

'What about Alexei and Emi?" Kya asked.

"They'll meet you there." Cam answered. "By the way don't get devizilzated, there's currently no way of/to bring you back."

"You want to elaborate on that?" I inquired. There are several reasons that could cause us to be stuck on (either) Lyoko or a virtual limbo. One of these is falling into the Digital Sea. Until recently we discovered, by accident that not having the devitalization codes when devitalized

from Sector 5 will  cause the same result.

"Remember how I mentioned Xana was trying to gain access to the supercomputer?" Cam asked.

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