4 - calm before the storm

Start from the beginning

"I figured, but what happened to the party?"

"Oh come on I'm not gonna go without you Neens" Zeph says, laying down next to Nini.

"You should go Zeph, at least for a while, you were excited about it"

"Come with meeeee" she insists. Nini shakes her head, fiddling with the ends of her cardigan. "Next one I promise"

"Fine, I'll see if mom and dad let me go, I'll hitch a ride with Bowen or something"

"With who?" Kenji raises an eyebrow.

"Richard, you know him you're forgetting"
Kenji doesn't seem very convinced. Zephyr gets up to go to the bathroom, rolling her eyes at her brother.

He turns to Nini, eyes flickering to her anxious tugging at her sweater. "Hey, how are you doing? With it all I mean? With what happened, how are you doing now? I know it's been a while but like, still"

"It's much better than it was, the pills help, I just, didn't want to go tonight, I barely know anyone there I just wanted to see them at school before a party, but still with everything going on, I feel pretty good."

He nudges her shoulder with his "I'm always there okay? Even if I haven't really been around the past couple years" she smiles at his words, realizing she's missed these people so much.

Zeph comes out of the bathroom, leaping onto both of them as they shriek. "I missed you both" she mumbles, squashing Nini and Kenji. They both nod, hugging her tighter.

It's weird, she thinks, how suddenly we're all grown up and our little trio hasn't been in the same room in years. She holds on tighter.

They go down for dinner later, everyone sitting around the table. Gracie sits in Nini's lap, eating from her plate. Later the adults go into the living room with wine, Nini and Zeph help Malou into bed because she's far too tired to stay awake any longer. Zephyr squeezes Nina's hand before they go join everyone, knowing it's not easy to see Malou get worse.

"Hey mamaaaa" Frankie leans onto her mother, Nini and Kenji are on the floor with the little ones, trying not to burst into laughter.

"What do you want?"

She purses her lips, looking at both her parents. "Can I go for a little while tonight?"
Kathy and Huan exchange a look, Zeph sighs knowing very well that they aren't just going to say yes simply. "You're supposed to stay here tonight, you don't even have your car. Plus it's already late."

"It's not even nine thirty, please please please please I promised I'd go"

"You know you should ask us before you promise stuff" her dad says.
Kathy rolls her eyes at her husband "Zephyr how are you even going to go and come back here?"

"I can carpool with a friend"

"Which friend?"

"Yes Zeph, which friend?" Kenji chips in, smiling innocently, Nini slaps his chest and Zeph glares at him.

"Richard, come on you guys love Rick"
Kathy raises her eyebrow "where does he live?"
"Across the road"
"If, IF I let you go, I want you back here latest by one"
"Fine yes okay" Zeph says quickly, looking behind her mom, Huan puts up two fingers then does the shush sigh.
"Do his parents know he's going, does he drive responsibly?"
"That does not sound sure"
"C'mon mama you've let me go out with him before like a thousand times"
"If you're going I want to speak to Mike or Lynne"

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