55) Tranquil

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The throne room was in chaos as the two brothers engaged in a brutal sword fight to the death. They had been at each other's throats for hours, each determined to claim the throne for himself.
But now, their rivalry had escalated to a violent physical confrontation.

The two brothers stood in silence for a moment, each glaring at the other. Then, without warning, Sayoran lunged forward, drawing his sword.

Xiang was quick to respond, drawing his own sword and meeting his brother's attack with equal ferocity. The two fought fiercely, the sound of clashing metal echoing throughout the throne room.

The two brothers continued to trade blows, their anger and frustration fueling their aggression. The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed through the throne room, as courtiers and servants looked on in horror.

"This is madness!" cried one of the chancellor. "You're both blood! You should be working together, not fighting like animals!"

But his words fell on deaf ears as the brothers continued to fight tooth and nail. Blood trickled from cuts on their faces, and their clothing was torn and disheveled.

As they fought, it became clear that Xiang was the better swordsman. He was faster and more agile than his older brother, and it seemed that he might actually win the battle.

But then, in a moment of desperation, Sayoran took a wild swing with his sword, hoping to catch Xiang off guard. It was a foolish move, and Xiang easily dodged the attack.

As Sayoran's sword swung past him, Xiang seized the opportunity to strike. With one swift stroke of his own sword, he plunged it into his brother's chest.

Sayoran fell to the ground, gasping for air while Xiang stood over him, looking down at his brother's dying body.

"You were always too weak to rule," Xiang said, his voice cold and hard. "The throne is mine, and forever it will be.
You'll die with the pity of never getting to know her...to touch her.
Hold her."

Sayoran's lips part into a tranquil smile as blood coats his lips.

"She will never be yours Xiang. She belongs to them." Sayoran says before taking his last breath and closing his eyes one final time.

"Bury him." Xiang command the servants who entered the room. They were surprised as Xiang was by the chaos but were quick to move.

With one swift move, Xiang threw his sword above his dead brother and stormed out.

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