15) Introduction Dinner

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I tighten the ceremonial robes around my shoulders as I walked to the room were the introduction would take place.

I haven't been outside in a long time. Well, since yesterday night in training. I dreaded the thought of meeting face to face with Li Mei and her family but the rehearsal dinner had already begun. I had no other option, plus I was late.
At least I had kissed my Daiyu goodbye. Her sweet lips were the only sustenance to restrain my annoyance for the upcoming occasion.

The canopy of the covered gardens greets my vision as I step into the ceremony space. The dinner was an elegant event of course. Brightly colored lanterns hung loosely from each pillar. Dishes of ornately decorated desserts and cookies were passed around to the bounty of guests.
The setting was perfect but there was only one thing missing, my happiness.

Li Mei's family sat on one side of the area. I didn't have many relatives that could attend so on the other side were special dignitaries and important officials from the Dynasty.

Her father, Qin Shin, emperor of the Qing Dynasty, had come from the distant kingdom of Kamakura. They settled in nicely, bringing gifts of elegant rubies and cloths.

The wedding was in a fortnight and I couldn't be more disinterested. I had no interest in maintaining the facade of pretending to be in love.

I walk to the table at the far end of the area, taking my place, sitting beside her.

"Sorry I am late" I mumbled, insincerity lacing my speech. Late should not be the word to describe my situation. Two hours late was plain disrespectful. One would have thought I would show more remorse in my apology but I did not care.
Her lips pursed but she only stared forward. A thin red veil covered her face from the sun.

I knew she and her family were furious at my tardiness but they would never show it. It was a perk of being in charge.

A few moments pass before her father breaks the small conversations painted across the garden. He raises a glass to toast our long life, prosperity, and love.

I tried my hardest to bite back a smile.
I didn't even possess the emotion.
This was nothing more than an obligation.
A duty to my empire.
In love with her I was not.

"To Li Mei and Emperor Xiang!"

"Here! Here"

I drink the expensive brew of sake out of formality.

Was it selfish that my mind was consumed with thoughts of my Daiyu?
I wanted to know more about her story.
Why the Dragon Heads had chosen her.
What made her fearful.

I look towards the crowds of people, their faces unfamiliar to me. I did not care to acquaint myself with their features. In less than 12 hours, they would be distant memories.

I push a palm to my chin, counting the flowers scattered on the table to busy myself until the dinner ended. Pointless memoirs and games would paint the night and although I was expected to look animated, my spirit would not allow it.
I could not force myself to pretend to be happy.
For I was not happy.

"I need to speak with someone. I'll be back" I lie, whispering into Li Mei's ear.

She stands, bowing to my feet to show her respect. Who would have thought I would be going out of my way to find Chancellor Hui or minister Xi?
I needed some excuse to leave the dinner. I could subject myself no further.

Just as I walk past the last tables of the garden, I hear my name in the distance.

"Emperor Xiang! Emperor Xiang!" I look at the young man running towards me. He looked like a soilder of general Tang's. He looked frantic.
"Emperor Xiang!" He fell to my feet, breathless from his journey.

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