28) Secret Trip

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I finalized the last of the scrolls before starting out the window. The night was quiet, eerie almost and even then, I could only think of my Daiyu.
We had barely seen each other these past few weeks. Performance after performance filled her schedule and although I was excited for her newfound fame, I was selfish. I missed her warmth next to mine as she pacified my soul.

I hated leaving her alone in the palace but my duty to the kingdom came first.

It always did.

"Emperor? The carriage is ready and packed" a guard bent to alert me.

I nodded but still stared out the window. No one knew of my secret trip to the land of Kanva. It was a quick one to finalize our dynasty's trade bill. I made sure to stress the secrecy of the journey to General Jun, ensuring that my kingdom would run without alarm.

"General Jun" I call out.

He comes in and bows. "Yes emperor" he says.

"It is a long journey ahead."

"Yes emperor. I assure you, your dynasty is safe. I have put guards in every room and fifty alone in your wing. She will be safe emperor"

I hummed and nodded. Maybe I needed to hear it once more to calm my spirits. I couldn't shake the feeling of something...I was unsettled for some reason but did not know why.

I grab my sword and the scrolls and bid the General goodbye, eager to start my journey.


I am escorted l in to the kings quarter's. The room was full and smoke and heavy incense,I could barley see him, only a muscular outline.

I push the soft silk curtains that separates me to the side and see a man as tall as a oak tree. A few ladies from his harem surround him, feeding him grapes and fruit. His deep heavy laughs sounded through the room.

I enter in slowly and cautiously, making sure to delay my appointment with the king. The king sits up and somewhat smirks as he sees me enter his presence.

"So you are the Daiyu that has blessed my presence?" I finally saw him in the light of the elegant chandelier.

He was a healthy man. Muscles lined his back and sides. His long black hair was as wild and curly as a bear. His soft brown eyes were piercing...almost cold.

A heavy puff of smoke escapes his lips as he breathes out a pipe filled with leaves.
"Beautiful" he cursed, lifting his hands and kissing them in celebration .

 "Beautiful" he cursed, lifting his hands and kissing them in celebration

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"Xiang must really want the trade deal?" He chuckles. His harem follows suit and smiles at me.

I remain quiet, making sure to stare at the floor.

"Ahh? A Quiet girl. I guess your flute must speak for you."

I still remain quiet. I was enraged. With Mai Li or king Ali? I did not know.

He stands from his throne chair and drags himself down the steps, coming close to wear I stood.

The warmth of his palm caresses my cheek before he grabs my jaw, forcing me to meet his eyes.

"Soft features.
Smooth ebony skin.
You have eyes like a an innocent doe" he growls before running a finger down my lip, staring at them in conquest.

"And lips as humble as mountains. How in the world did the emperor give away vision like you."

"You are mistaken my king. He did not give me away."


"It was the jealousy of a hateful and relentless tyrant empress."

He smirks, running his fingers through my hair. He had no right to touch me.

"And her jealously has brought you to me."

He lifts me up as if I was nothing, forcing my feet around his rigid form. "I must thank her." He smiles. He looks around the room before starting straight into my eyes. "Where is your flute?"

"I did not bring it."

"Why?" he frowns.

"I belong to Emperor Xiang and him alone.
I only play for Emperor Xiang.
I live for him.
My heart beats for him.
I breathe for him."

He smirks and starts laughing, gripping me harder.
"Ahhh. So your heart belongs to Xiang. Don't worry, i will break the imaginary pact you have made with your soul in devotion"

I glare at him, refusing to crack a smile.

"Smile Daiyu!" he pouts snatching my jaw. "I don't like to see a pretty girl like you with a scowl on her face"

I still refuse to listen to him.
He drops me to the floor and scoffs before going to smoke more of his pipe.

"First day jitters are the norm so I will excuse your blind devotion. Tomorrow? I am having a dinner with dignitaries and emperor's alike. I expect you to play there"

"And if I don't?"

He laughs and watches me.

"You belong to me now Daiyu.
You will play for me.
You will breath for me.
Your heart? Belongs to me.
Evey minute
every second.
Every day"
With each threat he stepped closer and closer until we're just a breaths apart.

He snaps and four guards come in, each grabbing my arm. "Oh. And Next time you refuse?
The last thing image you'll have of Xiang is my sword as it pierces his core"

With a wave of his hand he dismisses me and I am taken away.

With a wave of his hand he dismisses me and I am taken away

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