Chapter 17:You Guys Are-WHAT?!

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The red echidna glared at all of them, his fists tighten more.

The A/C echidna sees the plastic bag the red echidna have as curiosity came in.

"ooh, what's that?" he asked pointing at the plastic bag, not even bother to know the situation his in.

Knuckles didn't say anything but he approuch them and grab N/N away from Espio and give him the plastic bag, he look at N/N with a smile.

"go and eat those, i have some business to do" he said as N/N raised a brow but shrugs as he walk to the kitchen, he look at the plastic bag inside and sees strawberries, Oranges and different kinds of fruit which he smiled brightly.

Knuckles smiled watching his brother walk off, when his gone his gentle expression soon change to a furious expression and look at the 6 of them.

"now...for you.." he said in a angry tone which made some of them flinched.

Knuckles was about to approuch them until a certain crocodile quickly block his way.

Espio look suprised seeing the green crocodile.

"wait Vector? Wh-"

"alright Knuckles why don't we all just calm down and talk this out hm?" He said in a friendly voice, putting a hand on Knuckle's back.

Knuckles just glared at him.

"there's no need to talk this out, i can already see enough of it!" he said pumping his fist, he was about to approuch again but then realized something.


"...don't tell me your also in this too!"

"What?! No! No! I'm 32! I'm too old for this and plus I'm happy single!" Vector quickly denied what Knuckles was thinking, he doesn't have any feelings for the young echidna and rather help Espio get closer with to N/N, but this is very difficult for him to do so.

However he made a mistake because Knuckles narrowed his eyes as he blink dumbfounded, he think about what Vector said soon his expression changes as his eyes widen.




In the kitchen is N/N with the three boys.

Tails help N/N on making the Milk shakes as N/N watches him blending the fruits like his watching some kind of a kitchen show.

The flicky is on Charmy's hold feeding it with grapes, he allowed Charmy to hold flicky since his the one who took care of it after he got knockout unconscious.

They then heard Knuckles shout making them look at the entrance of the kitchen all have a confused expression.

"was that...Knuckles..?" N/N asked confused.

Charmy is also confused but Ray and Tails sweatdropped knowing this would happen, they both let out a sigh.

"let's just pretend we hear nothing" Ray said with nervousness.

"yeah, i agree" Tails said agreeing with the flying squirrel.


"ANYWAY! N/N can you get the milk in the fridge?" Tails quickly interupt N/N, he raised a brow while shrugging it off and went to the kitchen.

He opened it and look through it to find the milk, soon he pulled out a cartoon like milk and went to Tails giving it to him which he thank him for it and continue to make Milk shakes.

This isn't what Vector have in mind.

The crocodile is holding the furious red echidna back from beating the h3ll out of the 6 mobians, especially since one of them is his adopted son.

But since well it's Knuckles he have trouble keeping him back.

But eventually he manage to calm down.....only a little and talk through it.

And now Knuckles is sitting on the couch with death glare at the 6 mobians.

Vector sweatdropped and wondered what did he get himself into?

"..i will only let this go since you guys are my friends...well some of you" he said looking at Shadow and Rough with a unimpressed look.

Rough look offended that Knuckles didn't consider her as a friend while Shadow is absolutely have no care, not a single one which he just look away with no emotion.

Knuckles then look back at the others and see them looking relief.

"however..." he continued which made them to look at him.

"i won't let you guys go near him, i just have him back after 13 years of seperation, he isn't ready for this step..." Knuckles said putting a hand on the table.

Their silent for a moment as they look at eachother, starting to understand the situation.

" it might overwhelmed him if he know what's going on, the only reason why he isn't now is because he doesn't understand relationships...he doesn't understand any of it because i don't know how long Eggman have him but he might have been isolation for a long time and it worries me" he explained to them, the 6 of them seems to understand which made Knuckles glad.

"make things slow for now...he isn't ready...i hope you all understand..." he said as he put both of his hands to his lap.

Vector stared at the 6 seeing them deep in thinking, he then look at Knuckles and lean towards him to whisper to him.

"and when are you ganna allow N/N to have a relationship?" he whispered to Knuckles, the echidna look at him with a serious look.

"...never.." he answered Vector which made Vector blink then sweatdropped, it seems like Knuckles isn't ganna let N/N to have any girlfriend or boyfriend.

And this is Knuckles we're talking about, he is very stubborn and hard to convince especially when it comes to his family it might take a eternity to finally convince him.

N/N drink the (Fruit) milk shake as a satisfaction smile came to his muzzle, the flicky is eating a kiwi.

The three young boys are drinking their own milkshakes, Charmy look at N/N.

"N/N when are you and Espio ganna be together?" he asked which made Ray and Tails look at him with horror.

N/N stop as he raise a brow.

"together? Together for what?" he asked as he continue to drink using the straw.

"you know what i mean! Your Espio's bo- Mf!" Charmy got cutted off because Ray immediately cover his mouth as Charmy struggles.

N/N blink slightly watching this scene.

"what?" he asked with brow raised.

"nothing! Just don't listen to him" Tails said nervously, N/N just gave them a look and raise his brow in a suspicious way before drinking on the straw.

He look at his robotic hand seeing the Eggman logo which made him stop drinking and stared at it.

His expression changes as he felt his heart start to beat...he wondered...what's Eggman is doing...thinking about it made him feel scared.

His afraid to confront the Doctor anymore since..his here..for a long time.

He keeps starring at the robotic arm bot noticing the Ray and Tails talking to Charmy.

He then realized something...

"where's my shoes?"

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