Chapter 9:Play

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He doesn't know what's going on, panick raises inside of him as he sees equipment around him, his legs and arms are cuffed on the metal table except for his right arm that is mangled and he can't move it or it hurts if he tried.

He soon sees a human, a fat mustache human which panick him more, just seeing the presence of a human terrified him.

"ah, your awake...well I don't have anything to put you to sleep or ease your pain so you have to deal with the surgery..." said the human that is just shrugging it off which made Y/N panick more.

'surgery? Surgery for what?!' he thought, scared and afraid.

You knew your here for a long time...but this human isn't the reason why your afraid...your scared of all humans, you know what they did, you know what those humans did.

Your eyes widen when the human pulls out something sharp making Y/N tried to struggle to get out, but everytime you struggled the cuffs tighten around your arm and legs.

"now stay still brat" you heard the human and you went pale when you saw what his ganna do.

N/N run his fingers through his robotic arm...he doesn't remember what happened after the pain he felt...he just remembered the surgery but he doesn't know why his afraid of humans, why his so...terrified.

But he just think the surgery is for his own good...after all Dr. Eggman replaced his bad arm to a better one...a robotic arm, though he does get headaches lately but he didn't tell Eggman about it because well he doesn't want to, and plus he doesn't even bother to asked so why would he even bother telling him?

He just closses his eyes, he can't feel his right felt cold unlike his left arm, where he can feel it, his fur, and the glove his wearing until it reaches to his fingers.

He open his eyes slightly and look towards his shoulder a bit seeing the bat still there spying on him, he wondered how long she can keep this up.

Doesn't matter, she can watch all she can but she isn't ganna get anything from him.

Soon the metal soor slide open making him look and sees the red small bot entering.

"hello N/N Dr. Eggman wanted to see you" said Orbot as the echidna just stared but nodded in respond.

Orbot just took it and left him alone now, N/N take a deep sigh as he stand up and start stretching his arm and legs.

After he felt satisfied he walked towards the door and left, he can hear the bat follow him as the metal door closes.

He sometimes wonder why Eggman's security sucks.

N/N arrived seeing the human as the echidna just stood there, listening what the human have to say.

"I have to say N/N...i am very impressed on how you do on your missions and completing them too with no problem" said Eggman as the echidna just stared.

It seems like Eggman is just praising him...then what's the point of this?

"however..." he started making N/N tensed a bit focusing on what Eggman have to say.

"i have another mission for you, I've located another chaos energy signal right over here" he said as a hologram of a map appeared and N/N look sees Eggman pointing at the location with his gloved hand.

"but it seems to be different than before...two emeralds this time close to eachother and i want you retrieve them for me" Eggman said, in the hologram map there's two red dots but close to eachother, one of the dots seem to be moving slowly meaning someone have the other chaos emerald.

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