Chapter 3:The Map

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"Hah! I win!" A child have both of his arms up in the air, holding a small spear with dull stone at the end.

The other child panted that just arrived, holding a wooden small bow with 3 or 5 arrows.

"oh c'mon! Why are you faster than me?" the second child complained while the first child have a grin across his muzzle puffing his chest in pride.

"because I'm the oldest!" he said as the second child rolled his eyes.

"Ma said your only 3 minutes older! We're the same age!" the second child argued to the other.

"hey atleast I got out first then that means I'm the best" he said as the second child shakes his head.

"yea yea whatever dum dum" he said which caught the first child's attention and lightly punch his brother's shoulder in a joking manner.

"what you call me?" he ask right after as the second child smirked.

"dum dum, because your dumb!" the second child said pointing his bandage hand at the other.

"alright that's it, get over here!" the first child said as he start to run after his twin, the second child yelped in suprised and he quickly run off, the first child chase after him as the laughter of the twins echoes and fades to the darkness as everything goes black...

Sonic and his two friends are inside of the shrine that was destroyed by Eggman, half of the shrine is destroyed so there's still some stuff that are saved.

The three of them are going through at the random stuff, trying to find a clue or something about Knuckle's past but it seems like there's none of it are related.

"dammit!" Knuckles said in frustration tightening his grip on the scroll that isn't helping the situation his in.

"Knuckles don't give up now, there must be something" Tails said as he keep looking and opening each scrolls.

Sonic speed around looking at the stuff that might help and also some other things that interest him.

"it's clear that all of these are useless!....I don't even know what's the point of this anymore" Knuckles said dropping the scroll on the pile of things that isn't useful for them.

"well there must be something, anything a dairy, map or anything" Tails said trying to make the Echidna feel better but it isn't working.

"did anyone say...a Map?" Sonic said making both Tails and Knuckles look at Sonic and sees him holding a scroll unrolled and have map drawn on it.

Knuckle's eyes widen as he quickly went to Sonic and snatched the scroll out of his hand in a instant.

"give me that!" he said after he snatched the map and look at it while Sonic blink then he crossed his arms.

"wow, not even a thank you" Sonic said looking away, Tails walked over to them and lean closer to also try take a look at the map.

"is this..?" Tails asked as Knuckles studied the map carefully observing the every detail.

"map of the Angel Island..." Knuckles answered Tails because it is indeed the map of the Angel Island.

Sonic lean over seeing the map making him blink.

"...I didn't know there's a waterfall here" Sonic said with a brow raised, Knuckles look where Sonic is looking at and sees a drawn of a waterfall which there was scribbles beside of the drawing drawing waterfall.

Knuckle's Brother?  [Male Echidna Reader] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz