Chapter 1:Dreams..or Something Else?

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Two adult echidnas run through the woods, the male is darker red furred echidna while the other which is a female is lighter red echidna.

The female hold her children's hands while the male have a spear in his hold, the male is leading his family through the woods.

One of the children can't seem to keep up and stumbling a little but tripped on a rock making him yelped and fell, letting go of his mother's hand.

The other child sees what has happened and stopped running making the mother also stop from the sudden halt.

The mother look back and have her eyes widen seeing her child.

"KNOCHEL!" The mother shouted making the father look back his eyes widen as the other child looked terrified and worried.

The red furred child rubbed his head and lifted himself up winning a little from the fall, he look towards his family and sees them with those expressions, he soon heard a click as his eyes widen...he turn around-


Knuckles quickly sit up panting for air, sweat running over his forehead as his heart is beating fast.

He put his hand on his chest and continue to pant, he started to look around and realized his still in the Angel Island.

Still have the night sky with stars shinning brightly alongside the moon, it's still midnight.

Knuckles tried to calm down, he tried reminding himself that his safe, his in the Angel Island, his home.

His heavy breathing start to slow down as he closed his eyes and leans against the old pillar, he open his eyes starring at the midnight sky.

He start to think about the dream he had and wondered what it was and who are the echidnas that he seen in his dream, he have never seen a another echidna other than himself which is weird to him.

He looked towards the Master Emerald, he look at it as if asking some questions.

"...Master Emerald..did you show me that..?.....what does it mean?" Knuckles asked the Master Emerald, but no respond.

Knuckles only sighs, the Master Emerald talked to him sometimes when he was a child, but as he grow up less the ME spoke and suddenly didn't speak to him anymore, his face shadowed and wondered what happened.

He didn't tell to Sonic or Tails but...he haven't really know the whole Island, he only knows the location of the Chao Garden, the Emerald Altar and the hidden shrine where the Master Emerald originally was but he usually explore tha Island a little when he have time and felt the ME is safe to leave it behind for a short time.

But thanks to Eggman the shrine is now half destroyed so he have no choice but to put the Master Emerald to the old altar.

He look back at the sky once again he then sigh deeply, he can't sleep anymore because of that dream.


Orbot and Cubot sees Eggman creating something, they think it's another robot to defeat Sonic.

"what do you think his building?" asked Cubot to Orbot.

"i do not know, probably a small bot to spy on them?" Orbot guesses.

"aha! Finally finished" they heard Eggman and flew towards him to see what he build.

But stopped when they saw what he actually build.

" that a arm?" asked Orbot as Eggman just smiled.

In the metal table is a robotic arm with only 4 fingers with a eggman logo on the red circle orb on the hand.

" is that ganna defeat Sonic?" asked Cubot only to get hit in the head by a wrench from Eggman.

"it isn't for defeating Sonic you imbecile!'s for our Echidna friend, since his arm is in not good condition and isn't ganna be good for fighting, I decide to replaced his arm with this one" he said as both bots blink.

Orbot looked around and sees two pair of shoes with same Eggman logo on the shoes and a glove with two spikes.

"and those are for the Echidna as well?" asked Orbot earning a nod from the doctor.

"indeed, i also made the shoes similar to Shadow's but more advanced and amazing unlike his" said Eggman with pride as both bots just look at eachother then look at Eggman.

Meanwhile in another room there is the Echidna, laying in the bed with few medical machines around surprisingly Eggman have these, the monitor continues to beep as few bandages wrap around the Echidna's body, the Echidna is still unconscious.

His chest goes up and down in each breath he took with his eyes still closed, not knowing what will happen next once Eggman awaken him.

Knuckle's Brother?  [Male Echidna Reader] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن