Chapter 18:Successful...

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Knuckles decided to take N/N away and to the Angel Island, where their home actually is.

When they arrived N/N was...well speechless to say atleast, who would expect to live in a floating island anyway?

"and this is the Master far as i know this is the only remains of our ancestors.." Knuckles said patting the green emerald gently as N/N stared at the Master Emerald seeing his own reflection on it, sensing the power inside...he doesn't know how to feel about this.

"this...this.." N/N didn't manage to finish as Knuckles stared at him.

"incredible? is..."Knuckles decided to finish N/N's words as N/N continued to stare.

"..the position as a Guardian have been passed down to generations and generations...until"he said as N/N blink in suprised when Knuckles grab his hand and made him touch the Master Emerald, feeling the warm sensation around the power gem.

" passed us" Knuckles said as N/N turn to look at him as Knuckles smiled in respond, N/N look back at him.

to us" Knuckles said as N/N turn to look at him as Knuckles smiled in respond, N/N look back at him

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N/N stared at him...soon a small smile appeared on his muzzle and nodded.

This...made him feel...right...he felt this is where he belong, this warm feeling is welcoming..he likes it.

For the first time after he woken up...he felt at home..

After few more days passed, he is still isn't use living like this but slowly fitting in, they give him new spare of shoes, still similar to his old one but no Eggman logo and different colors instead also a new spare of glove as well.

But N/N soon noticed that the others are hanging out with him often and give him gift that he doesn't even know what's the use of it anyway but he keep them.

He mostly get flowers from Sonic, he appreciated it and he even plant the flowers on the Angel Island thinking it might continue to grow much to Knuckles amusement, that is until one time when Sonic give him a different flower it made him sneeze none stop so Knuckles always check what Sonic brings him.

He also gets chocolates desserts from Amy, they are sweets and delicious but he gets tired eating it all day so he give some to the children.

Mighty hanged out with him but he wondered why at night and eating in a place which Mighty called it called 'expensive restaurant', he doesn't understand the food there but as long it's delicious, though he was weirded out when a random mobian that work their suddenly played a violin very close to them.

Shadow arrived at the Angel Island often whenever Knuckles is out and they hang out, they usual star gaze or hang out in a place called park, but Shadow keeps looking away from him whenever he look back and have his muzzle red, he wondered if there was something wrong in his face that made him act like that.

Knuckle's Brother?  [Male Echidna Reader] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt