Chapter 56: Okay Now

Start from the beginning

One by one the guards on the stairwell were getting snatched and dragged up to the top of the stairs by long tentacles that wrapped around both necks and limbs and tossed them around. Ghost thought he heard the sound of König laughing from above. Slightly sadistic in all honesty. Particularly as the man seemed almost shy before, but he was clearly in his element and doing a fantastic job. Ghost left him to it and hurried down the hall to find their men. The rest would catch up soon.

Entering the containment ward was much pure chaos. Many of the creatures and monsters had realized their doors were open and their clips deactivated. They roamed about the maze-like halls. There was blood splattered across the walls from both humans and monsters as they fought each other.

He shoved through a few groups. They weren't his priority. He ran until he had to practically skid to a stop outside the door to the tiled room and quickly opened the door.


Alejandro lifted his head from where he was pressed against Rudy's head. He had his hands covering the siren's ears, probably to protect against the blaring of the alarm.


Ghost hurried forward, "You two alright?"

"I'm okay, but Rudy..." He trailed off.

Rudy hummed a noise that could have been an "I'm fine" but there was now way to be sure. Alejandro had removed their clips when the lights had turned off on them, but he didn't have anything to get Rudy's gag off. Ghost knelt down and handed him one of his knives and a spare gun.

"I'm going to find the others." Ghost told him, "You get that thing off of Rudy and you keep eachother safe."

"Will do." Alejandro replied, determined and he began to carefully saw at the strap of the gag with the blade.

Ghost hurried back out into the hall and continued. He found the room that they suspected to be Gaz's, but he wasn't inside. He would find him later, for now, he needed to get to Johnny.

He continued to book it around the corners around him. A few monsters that had been driven to a feral state lunged for him. He hated to hurt them, but they weren't his priority. He continued to mow down anyone that moved to slow him down.

He finally managed to make it to his cell and threw the door open. But instead of the terribly sick Johnny he had seen on the camera, he was met with the sight of an empty space. The IV pole was still there, but there was no Soap on the mat. He spun around the space as if he might appear.

He paused and took a deep breath through his nose and slightly parted lips. He could smell him, along with something else. Something vaguely familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. He turned back around and began to stalk down the halls, following the scent. The taste his Johnny left in the air.

He picked up the pace to a jog when he noticed an upcoming set of double doors. The smell trailed in that direction. There was a screech that came from the room and he pushed through the doors.

It was some sort of surgery room, but he honestly didn't care about that. What he did care about was the sight of multiple security guards surrounding what looked like a massive moth in the center of the room. The moth was hunched and puffed up over something. It was hissing and screeching at the men to keep them at bay.

Ghost let the shadows slip and grab ahold of the security guards by the ankles, tugging a few of them down to the ground. A few of the others he simply lunged for, sinking his teeth in and tearing out throats. One remaining man he simply shot.

He turned to face the moth who was still growling and gnashing teeth in his direction. He looked down and saw the thing that it was protecting wasn't a thing at all. But Johnny.

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