The Universe's Bridge Explanation

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The Universe's Bridge different to my other universes since the journey follows you (Or an OC you may own), to traverse these new unfamiliar lands to find their way home.

Edwige and Plume are your companions. They found in the middle of the woods and took you to their cabin so you can recover from whatever happened to you before.

Plume tells you that the only way to get back is to get help from the 'Brains' of the universe. They act like gods/guardians to the world, however, many know that they exist, but are usually around their shrines and may have someone looking after it.

The Brains represent the characteristics if someone is 'right-brained' or 'left-brained' (just note, both sides of your brain work together and there is no dominant brain. Right brains tend to be more creative, emotional whilst Left brains tend to be more logical, calm). No matter what brain they are, they can obviously still have characteristics of the other side or traits of their fellow brain side, but they main characteristic is what they are identified as.

Two factions representing the 'brains' of this universe.

• Creativity + Free Thinking
• Intuitive + Feelings
• Holistic Thinking (Able to understand and predicts many things in a complex system) + Able to see the big picture

• Analytical + Logical
• Detail/Fact-oriented + Thinks in words
• Practical + Strategic

It's unknown on how it came to be, but these reliable protectors have been seen as respectable beings however, they seem to also have some connections to how you may of ended up here.

I know the main character sounds more like just an OC so I may change it to that, but for now for the sake of my sanity I'm gonna just keep it for now because it started off as that and I'm too tired to change it.

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