No Roots Meme-

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Not really a meme, more like the creator describing his (my) some of her characters. Lmfao.

Not my video nor audio.


Lynx: Physically and mentally needs help.

Fawn: How the hell are you not dead yet???

Michael: Exposes a lot of sh**

Clive: Just exists.


Quin: *Cries in death and boredom*

Ivory: *Insert explosion in the background*

Solar: Done with Ivory's BS-

Cobalt: Dead as well

Ori: "A cobra got me"


Imifox: Can't get a peaceful day off. *Insert him getting pulled into the summoning circle*

Trixizee: Can't act normal to save her life

Otlantic: Baby otter

Carolnyan: It's Christmas time b****

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