Part 30

183 13 3

ignore any mistakes


"I am ready ...r-ready to give my soul "

dread filled his heart as he stand on the circle that decorated around him with some kind of white powder and some writing was done on either side of the circle, he never once looked at his friends knowing his heart will cry out if his eyes land on his half conscious friends.

he saw pair of shows standing out side the circle knowing exactly who they belong to, the man smiled at him but his smile was no where sweet or honest, it was pure evil when taehyung looked at him, his own teary eyes felt numb with pain and his heart cried with sorrow.

" ahh I forget to tell you one more thing~" the man said with excitement lacing his voice enjoying the younger's misery, but taehyung was too exhausted to react back, he just wanted this to end, " I think you forgot your little friend! ", the man continued making teahyung frown in confusion.

he finally looked at the man who skipped around the circle before finally standing Infront of taehyung, he looked like a maniac for sure from the way he was acting and taehyung could tell the man had a screw lose or something. He beamed as he took out a small paper from his pants and bring it closer for teahyung to see.

"t-tannie.." taehyung blood ran cold as he looked at the small kid smiling in the picture, he almost forgot about the little boy who helped him finding his hyungs but all of a sudden he disappeared from his site and taehyung was so focus on helping others that he forgot about him for a while.

"what did you do!!?" teahyung tried to grabbed the photo but something blocked him from stepping out of the circle ,he was trapped.

"ah I just trapped his soul, burnt it and put it in my jewels" the man shrugged ripping the photo Infront of teahyung who gasped in utter shock, he couldn't save tannie , he couldn't save his friends , he felt so awful and slowly felt himself crumble under the weight of guilt.

Draco smirked knowing he was finally getting what he wanted for so long, he was using all his means to break the boy, the more the boy would feel numb with pain of losing his loved one's the more powerful his soul would be for his liking but as greedy as he was he wanted to brake taehyung more so the last thing left his mouth made taehyung go berserk.

" I am the witch that killed your parents "

a loud agonizing scream filled the room sending shivering down the boys spine, the pain and sorrow could be felt from each loud sob that left the broken boy whose weak body banged at the force that blocked him from murdering the smirking man in front of him, taehyung face was casted with rage, eyes turned red with hot tears flowing down them, his throat was dry from all the screams left from it, his body sook with rage.

six boys were in tears as their eyes fixed on the trembling boy trying his hardest to get out, they hated each tear that left the precious boy's eyes, the boy they cherished the most was crumbling down Infront of their eyes.

"w-we need to do something for tae...take those necklace out " Namjoon voice caught the boys attention, he struggled to get up and stand ignoring the pain shooting through his body, this pain was no match for the pain that sweep through his heart hearing the screams of his adorable younger brother.

hearing Namjoon the boys started to get up without questioning and removing the necklace from their neck, they cant stand watching this they must do something, there was only thing was in their mind right now, the only purpose that gave them strength and ignore their immense pain , that was

to kill or to be killed for the younger.

with a quick nod jhope and Jin ran towards Draco grabbing him from his arms and shoulder who flinch from sudden impact, before he could do anything yoongie kicked the man's knees from behind making him fall on the floor with loud groan.

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