Part 24

81 11 11

ignore mistakes


have you ever really thought what fear you have?..

some people have fear of animals ,some have fear of childhood trauma ,some fear darkness while some fear from supernatural things..

and if we are lucky we overcome those fears and carry on.

but there is this one fear that tore you in shreds not physically but mentally...that is the fear of the world

you see some times we make up a mask for our selves just to hide our true self so we can please others ,to make them happy and the fear of being revealed of your true self eats you up alive slowly yet surely.

hoseok have always been a perfect figure ,always calm ,helping out others ,gentle ,loving ,never take harsh words to himself ,always smiling radiating positive energy ,selfless in other words clear as crystal human can never be but only for the world .

he tried ...

he always tried to be a good child a parent needed ,a good friend that his friends needed ,a positive person that people needed ,a good student that a teacher needed and a personality he needed.

always a need ...but not an option for his emotion.

now he was sitting in a room full with dark only a little light that lit the room was two candles placed in front of him ,his knees pressed against his chest with a rapid beating heart ,hands folded around them that were numb just like his mind and body .

he felt empty,mind hazy ,hollow almost as if his life was seeping away just like the wax of the burning candle was melting away , he numbly looked at one of the candle seeing how it was smaller compare to the other almost about to die ,its was spread all over yet it still burn , he reached out and blow off the candle because he felt like the candle was at his misery not able to lit up the room anymore so let it die ,just he wanted ....

but there was a distinct sound in his head ,a wage image of faces he cant recall ...he lost his memory ,nothing was there .

the voices were not letting him rest his head and finally close his eyes for good .what were thy ? who was he to began with?..

a loud bang in front him made him lift his head ,it was at a distance from him ,the dark didn't help him as he saw shadows started to come forward ,faces were not clear .It made him shiver at the voice that came from one , the faces were morphed with an expression he couldn't made out ...was it worry ?..

"hobi hyung.." a tender deep voiced almost hushed spoke before the figure crouched down in front of him .

hobi ? who is this ?

he tilted his head looking at the young boy , round innocent yet sharp unique eyes, perfect nose and rosy lips made into pout ,his eyebrows were joint together making creases on his forehead ,the boy looked so handsome in the dim candle light .

hoseok reached his numb hand in air trying to touch the boy to see if he was real ,he saw how the boy smiled a little taking his cold numb hand into his own warm hand ...he is real ..

"w-who are y-you?" his voice was gruff and thick from dryness as he asked the boy , who's face turned pale with shock marked over on his boyish features as his hand left hoseok's with a flinch ,making hoseok think of what he said wrong..he just asked the boy who he was.

he saw how the boy looked at his back that's when he saw three more boys standing with unknown expression ,one was taller with broad shoulders ,while the other were a bit smaller in height ,one with eyes that resembles of a cat ,while other looked like a sweat mouchi .

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