Part 23

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the trio blinked surprised from the screams that came closer to them and the ground vibration increased along with the screams .

"is that who I think it is ?"jimin gulped eyes focusing on the dark hall from where the rushing sound resonate.

teahyung nodded his head clanging on yoongie who started to drag the boys into a classroom next to them , they saw how a person whom they expected running madly for his life while tears escaping from his shocked and sullen eyes ,behind him was horde of people that seemed to school students from their clothes but they were shredded from many places ,the students were walking creepily some almost limping,blood gripping from their pale faces , they had gruesome distorted faces and body .

zombies to be specific.

"hey !! i didn't know you'll get offended by the truth !!!" the male spoke who was running from the horde screamed his lungs out .

"all i said you all were ugly !! swallow the truth damn it !!" the male huffed for air, his lungs were burning due to lack of air .

his legs ached and were about to gave up when a hand was suddenly pressed against his mouth blocking all the air ,he tried to screamed but he was knocked inside an empty dark classroom ,he heard the door closing and the hand was gone ,he saw how the horde was passing by from the blurry windows searching from him .

he finally looked at the three black figures in side the room making him jolt in fear when they step closer .

"AHHHH-" he was about scream when a hand again made way towards his mouth smacking it shut .

"would you shut up jin hyung !!" yoongie hissed at jin who complete shut him self up ,his eyes lit up when he saw yoongie and others ,teahyung lightly waved at him giving him his boxy smile while jimin giggled at jin scared face and how yoongie was almost blocking air from passing through jin's mouth .

"yah!! keep your filthy hand away from my handsome face!!" jin whispered yelled making yoongie scoff rolling his eyes as he removed his hand from the tall male who brushed his clothes not forgetting to shoot a glare at the grumpy male.

"handsome my ass ! those zombies looked beautiful then you old man !" yoongie huffed but quickly stood behind teahyung when jin marched towards him ,but before he could smack some sense into the kitty cat ,jimin hold in to him stopping him while control himself from laughing because he didn't wanna be beaten up by the tall man .

while teahyung thought why is he the only one having to deal with this drama ,heaving a sigh he looked outside the window the horde was almost gone but few zombies were larking around , he glanced back others , his eyes soften when he saw jin and others hugging ,a soft yet relief look plastered on their features .

"my son come here !! off you go peasants " jin pushed the two boys away rushing towards the younger one .

the two fell on the floor with the impact while teahyung giggled and welcomed jin with a big hug who murmured nothing but sweet thing rubbing his head in adoration ,he was glad nothing happened to his hyung ,teahyung has always felt calm in the elders embrace ,his embrace have always felt like a mother lovely embraced .

"jin hyung shush it, the zombies are still out side " yoongie rolled his eyes at the cuddling duo but his heart felt warm ,he was also glad nothing happened to the older but he knew well that this was jin's fear ,the walking dead .

jin after yoongie cant tell how long released teahyung from his deadly hug ,moved towards the door silently peaking out to see if they were same ,the boys settle themselves down on the cold floor wanting to hear what jin wanted to say about this .

Hotel Of Dead (Chrysanthemum)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя