"Lids, Lids" I hear Harper call just before she wraps herself around my legs.

"Hey there sweetie. How are you?" I ask while picking her up to twirl her around. She loves it when I do this. She giggles uncontrollably, we both do.

When I finish twirling Harper, I put her down and continue to hold her hand. I look across the parking lot to find Hunter staring at me. He's wearing a maroon long sleeve t-shirt, black jeans and his signature sneakers by converse with his HH logo on them. He's so handsome. I notice Hunter's blue eyes seem more intense than usual, if that's even possible. I wonder why every time our eyes meet my heart beats faster. It's probably because I am such a huge fan. I'm sure over time, it will go away.

Standing next to Hunter is a blonde haired woman about his age. She is looking directly at me. From the scowl on her face, I don't think she likes me. I wonder who she is and why she is giving me dirty looks?

Craig steps in front of me, pulling me out of my thoughts. "So who is this little lady?"

"Craig Collins, this is Miss Harper Ellyn Hayes."

He takes her hand and bows. "Nice to meet you, Harper"

She smiles but grabs on to my hand even tighter.

"It's ok sweetie. This is my friend Craig." That comment get's me a stern look from him. I guess I should have referred to him as my boyfriend, but she's only 2 years old. She doesn't understand the difference.

Right them Hunter's manager, Betsy asks us all to gather around. "Hey everyone, we will be leaving in 5 minutes. Time to load your stuff on to the bus and say your good byes."

As Craig, Harper and I turn towards my car to get my luggage Hunter steps up and extends his hand to Craig. "Hi, I'm Hunter Hayes."

"I'm sorry, I should have introduced you two. Hunter, this is Craig. Craig this is Hunter."

"Nice to meet you." They both say at the same time.

"Do you need any help with your things?" Hunter asks me.

Craig quickly replies "No."

"Ok, just make sure that it gets loaded onto the green bus which is Liddy's, Harper's and my bus." I hear Hunter say. If I didn't know better I would think he was acting rather territorial.

"Hey punkin, why don't you come with me, so Liddy and Craig can say their goodbyes." I nod my head and whisper "thank you."

Slowly, Craig and I walk over to my Range Rover and grab my last few personal pieces of luggage. I will take them with me directly onto the bus, rather than put them in the storage compartment, located under the bus.

"Well, I guess it's time." I say with teary eyes. "I am going to miss you."

"I am going to miss you too. Call me often and let's try to skype at least every other day, if not every day."

I shake my head, yes. "I love you." Then we hug. When I open my eyes I see that Hunter, Harper and that blonde are the only ones left in the parking lot besides me.

"I better go. They are waiting for me." I say fighting back tears.

"Okay" Craig says. "I love you." Then he leans in to kiss me.

I keep the kiss G-rated, Harper and Hunter may be watching. I hug Craig one more time, grab my bags and walk towards the bus. I don't look back so I don't know if Craig is upset about the kiss or not.

In order to get on the bus, I must pass by Hunter, Harper and Blondie. Great, just what I don't want right now is any drama with the blonde who keeps staring daggers at me.

When I am within a few feet of them. I hear the blonde says to Hunter.

"I am really going to miss you. Promise to call me often." She then kisses him and there is nothing G-rated about it.

I suddenly can't hold myself together any longer. I feel like someone punched me in the stomach. I walk as quickly as I can straight to the bus and crawl into my bunk, pulling the curtain shut, for a few minutes of privacy. Just as I place my head on my pillow, I ask myself. " Why am I as upset about their kiss as I am about leaving Craig?"


I thought I would surprise everyone with another chapter. I had a very productive day. I wrote 3 chapters!

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