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Jungkook's POV

He couldn't sleep, he didn't know whether to be overjoyed or sad or even angry, yes, he had found her, but she was with another, and not just anyone but the closest member to him, Taehyung could literally be said to be his best friend, and the girl he had waited for, ignored every other girl who had come his way, was Y/n?

He didn't know what to do, a knock on his room's door brought him back.

"Jungkook, its Me" It was J-hope's voice, the door opened slowly and he walked in and sat by his bed.

"What was all that about?" J-hope asked, he was really worried.

"It was nothing, I'm fine"

"I've known you long enough to know something ain't right"

Jungkook sighed. "Well... the girl I used to tell you guys about, I saw her at the show last night"

"But that's good news, right?"

"She was with someone else"

J-hope coughed. "That's a tough one, I don't even know what to say anymore, but listen, did you find out her side of the story?"

"Huh? I can't talk to her."

"Jungkook, you should, you say you love her and you made each other a promise, you should talk to her and try to find out what happened"

Jungkook nodded. "Thanks, Hyung"

"Alright, now sleep!" J-Hope said dramatically, he always behaved like a mother.

The next day, Y/n got a text from Jungkook saying he wanted to meet her at a café. She went to the Café at the exact time he told her, though he was already there, sipping a glass of ice tea.

"Hey" she said with a smile sitting down opposite him.

Jungkook nodded, and called the waiter who brought her a glass too.

"I was really worried yesterday, you looked really upset," Y/n said sipping.

Jungkook sighed. "I'm fine now, and I don't blame her anymore, its been seven years. I just wanted to know if she bothered to find me,"

"Jungkook I still don't get it" Y/n asked with worry.

"Okay, back at your apartment, I saw a peach handkerchief, is it yours?"

"i... Its mine and not mine at the same time, what's your point?"

He sipped a large amount from his glass in nervousness. "The... the song you performed yesterday, didn't you write that for me? I..."

(Back to me)

My heart started beating faster than it should, how was this even possible? No... it couldn't be, I looked at the person in front of me again, I didn't even know how to think anymore, it was like my head was spinning, I just stood up and ran out.



Tears had started to form in my eyes as I fell on my bed. I was literally praying within me for Jungkook to call and tell me that it was a joke, that he was playing a prank on me. My phone had been ringing but I didn't want to pick up, I didn't even want to know who it was, I didn't feel like talking to anyone, not even Taehyung.

Jungkook's words suddenly started re-echoing in my ears '...we met a long time ago, and she said she would find me, she promised that she would find me and we would marry each other, I didn't date any other girl..."

Now I didn't even know if I loved V, the caring gentleman or if I loved the boy I had dreamed of since I was a teenager... so... I was the reason he was crying backstage? how could I explain that I had tried searching for him too? But Taehyung... I had thought Taehyung and I had something going on... my head felt like it would burst.

Was I in love with Taehyung or Jungkook?


"I called you up yesterday" Taehyung said to me the next morning, he told me he wanted to check up on me since I hadn't answered his calls the day before.

"I'm... I'm okay"

He put his hand on my forehead. "Are you sick? Your eyes are swollen and your temperature seems hot, we should go to the clinic, if we go now, I can..."

I stared at him, he cared about me and a lot, and I could see that it was genuine, but then there was this part of me that couldn't leave the boy I had promised.

"V, I'm alright, you don't need to worry about me"

"How do you expect me not to worry? you didn't pick up my calls so I was worried something had happened to you"

I smiled. "Thanks, but I'm okay"

He sighed. "Have you had breakfast? We can go to Pugi's if you want"

"Thanks V, but I mean it, I'm fine, you shouldn't get worried over me"

"Why? I can't help it..."

I swallowed; I didn't even want to know what he wanted to say but I knew the direction he was facing would not be good for any of us. "V, I have to go now, see you" and I closed the door without waiting for a reply...

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