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I stayed locked in for about two days, I wouldn't come out of my apartment, I was actually scared to, I didn't want to receive the crazy stares any longer. then I decided I was gonna have to face everything, After I had showered and put on my clothes, I wanted to go to the studio and pour my anger into a song, there was no one in the studio as there was no sound coming from there, so I grabbed my old writing pad and headed for the studio.

as I expected, there was no one, so I just grabbed a guitar and sat down, I sang one of my songs I had written, It was titled 'dark girl'.

I suddenly heard someone clapping from behind.

"Nice Song" I heard a familiar voice. it was Jungkook, I turned to see him and he was not alone, he was with someone else, an unfamiliar face, I hadn't seen him before.

"Did you write that?" The other guy asked.

I nodded. "Yoongi, this is Taehyung's girlfriend, Y/n"

I literally felt my blood boil. "We are not dating! haven't I made that clear to you?"

They were taken aback.

"Yeah... but you're still his girlfriend until the whole thing dies down, right? you're still V's girlfriend."

I sighed and shook my head, putting down the guitar. It seemed like he was the jovial one, he was obviously teasing me.

"Yeah... but I haven't gotten used to being called his girlfriend yet, give me a break"

Yoongi sighed. "And this had to happen when the opening party is next week?"

"What!" Jungkook exclaimed. "But the opening party isn't until next month,"

"They moved it, help inform the others"

my heart started racing. "What opening Party? I can't go anywhere"

"Please, you have to... if he appears there without his mystery bride, paparazzi will be all over him with questions, and he can't take much"

I put down the guitar and walked out slowly. This was all too much, I needed air, I couldn't care less about the stares I received this time, I walked out of the building, and sat on a bench outside, I was in a world of thoughts, First you're called the mystery girl. then you're dating someone you don't know and the next thing you're supposed to attend a function with him? How could I handle this?

"You seemed stressed" a male figure said sitting by me, I looked over my shoulder, it was Taehyung.

"Obviously," I said with a frown. "I had come here to relax not start dating someone I don't know, and now Yoongi said that there's going to be an opening ceremony next week and I have to go with you"

Taehyung sighed, I looked at him, there was this glimpse of worry in his eyes, it was like he couldn't bear to be the reason I was tangled in all this, I knew it wasn't his fault, but...

"Listen, I'm really sorry you had to go through all of this because of me, I'm really sorry"

"You know it's not exactly your fault, right? You were only trying to help a stranger."

He nodded with a smiled, "So... does that mean you'll go to the opening ceremony?"

I nodded. "How does an opening ceremony even work?"

Throughout the entire week, I would go to the studio and they would all brief me about themselves, well... mostly about Taehyung and a l was able to learn a little bit of Korean, It turned out I didn't even have to behave fancy and all that, They assured me that I just had to be myself, like they all did.

I was nervous, the next day was the opening ceremony, I hadn't even thought of a dress to wear. I finally choose a black vintage sleeveless dress. I was naturally people, people usually complimented on me a lot at home, so heavy makeup was never my deal. I wondered how I could get there, I was told the venue but I didn't know a thing about Korea.

I stepped out of my apartment and I was surprised to see Taehyung standing by my door in a blue tuxedo. It looked really great on him, it brought out some princely features. He gazed me over and smiled.

"You're here?" I said in confusion, that was a relief, but I never expected him to wait for me outside my door, he was a celebrity after all.

"Yes, can we leave now?" He said with a smile. "You're looking really pretty."

I could feel my cheeks warming up. "Thanks, your tux is really nice"

He smiled and stared at the ground, I chuckled, quite the quiet one.

We walked to car I had seen yesterday, they were two chaffeurs, one of them opened the door of the car as we walked into the back seat.

"Where are the others?" I asked while were moving. "Aren't they coming to the opening ceremony?"

"They're already there"

"What! That means we're really late, why didn't you tell me?"

"You seem more excited than you were yesterday"

"I'm not"

I sighed and didn't say anything else; he wouldn't understand that my blabbering was actually out of my nervousness. We got to the venue, there were so many flashing lights and cameras. The Chauffeur opened the car door and Taehyung got out first, then he stretched his hand towards me, I frowned at him and held it as he helped me out of the car, suddenly the paparazzi turned on us, Two bodyguards tried to shield us from the guards and the questions as we walked in.

I felt my heart racing, so many people, I had even recognized some celebrities. I was breathing heavily, I wondered what I would say,

My heart skipped as I felt a hand slip around my waist. "It's alright" He whispered in my ear. "Just calm down and be you"

I sighed and nodded. We were offered two glasses of wine by the waiters, that was when the others walked up to us.

"Hey" They all said in smiles, they were all dressed in cool suits.

"Glad you could make it" Jungkook said with a smile.

I looked at Taehyung and slowly released his hands from my waist. "Thanks"

A young lady walked up to us. She was wearing a red armless gown, she looked really pretty.

"Hello gentlemen." She said with a smile and looked me over, it was obvious to me, she was going to be really sassy, I never planned to take it....

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