"You sure do know how to keep it up"I said looking down at my groin."My god!..." she exclaimed."Was that suppose to happen?"She whispered yelled with her breath still uneven whilst looking at the wet sheets covering her eyes from embarrassment so cute.."pfft...princess it is totally normal for that to happen..it happens when your feeling really good" I said kissing her cheek flipping us over."Kay what are you doing?"she said looking at me with doubtful face.I wonder what is it she thought I was gonna do because I ain't that stupid."I won't do anything that your uncomfortable with okay?I ain't that stupid or some freak..trust me"I said assuring her.She nodded,after seeing that she was relaxed.I slightly rose my hips rubbing my shaft against her clit fuck..seeing close her eyes as she bit her lower lip bouncing up and down a bit "mmmm..."She hummed facing up."Neo...fuck!.."I moaned out feeling her clit pulse against my throbbing shaft,clenching my jaws to prevent the loud moan coming out.Hearing  erotic moans escalating made me come closer to cumming."Haa...I'm...gonna..cum"I said breathing heavily.Both of us reaching our orgasms as waves of pleasure hit our bodies releasing our loads falling on the bed.

"That..was...refreshing!.."I said trying to control heavy breathing smiling at her.She smiled back lying on my chest as I played with her hair.I really like this..wish things could be like this forever... "Neo?.."I called out to get her attention because she was abit drowsy.She hummed trying to open her one eye to look at me."I think..." I sighed."No...I mean...I like you...alot.." I felt a huge load weigh off my shoulders after saying that.She quickly rose her head up to look at me,more like taken aback by what I just said."O-kay" was what came out of her mouth like for real.I really was hurt by her response.I mean I know its to soon but just a "O-okay" answer was not what I had expected from her after doing what we did a while ago that just had to be her answer.wow she was about to say something but I cut her off before she could say another hurtful response to me and I don't need that.

"You don't have to say it back,I know what you said about relationships and all,I understand I just wanted to let you know how I really feel about you and I don't mind waiting for you to say it back when the time is right" I said looking at her caressing her cheek.She sighed." Kay..look..I'm sorry if that was not the answer you wanted  of cause it isn't! But you don't have to do all that for me"she said with teary eyes."No! I do want to and I will okay?just don't make this harder than it already is,please.."I said looking at her with hurt in my eyes.She cupped up my face kissing me prolly to make me feel better and I liked it.
"Alright then..and thank you for understanding"she said smiling.

Gazing into each others eyes until we heard a loud knock on the door making us jump. Mrs Smith.. "who is it" Neo asked looking at me."Hey, young lady!since when do I ask for permission whenever I wanna enter my house!and why is door locked?open up!"she yelled knocking again.
"Shit!Babe its my mom you gotta hide quickly" she whispered yelled."wait" I said making her stop.did she just call me babe? "What!" She yelled looking at me."Babe.."I said with questionable eyes."Since...when..." she cut me off before I could finish my sentence "Just hide" she said taking my clothes off the floor pushing me in to the closet."Coming!" She said.I could see her through the open lines of the closet door walking towards the after covering the bed."Heyy...mom...how are you"She said."Heyy.."Mrs Smith said prolly confused by Neo's behaviour.I just hear from her response that she's not relaxed and the more she tried to act normal the more suspicious she looked.

"Well,that took you long enough to answer" I saw figure walking around in the room and I was praying for her not to open the closet because is she did I'm dead meat."Ow..ahem!" Neo exclaimed."I was..Uhmm..taking a shower..yess..you know..music..noise..yess"she said trying to explain.pfft.. She's so not good at lying I bet her mom can tell poor soul."Ow,really?" Mrs Smith really wasn't buying her story."I see you also got bite marks while taking your shower" she's so gonna kill me after this..so funny "Ow these...I..uhm..actually got these from mosquitoes..like...bites..you know sandton has alot of those"  wow mosquito bites really? She must be flushed as fuck right now wish I could see her properly."They just too big to be mosquito bites more like human"I could hear her mom chuckling."You better apply something or they'll be worse".

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