Chapter 9 - "Trusting"

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Hypno lead Kat through the large city, through a decently sized neighborhood, and into the forest. After a couple of hours, they eventually made it to an enormous beach. "This way," Hypno said, heading off to the left of the beach. Kat followed silently.

Hypno wandered into a cave that was embedded into the side of a mountain. Kat was a bit suspicious of it but followed anyways. Kat walked into the cave to see a small home-like place. There was a fridge, a few counters, a bed, and a very sus looking chair with a coil of rope beside it.

"Welp, welcome home," Hypno said, sitting down on the side of the bed. A note; earlier he had put his sunglasses back on. Kat crossed her arms. "What's up with the chair and rope?" She asked, confronting him forwardly.

"Ehh... Well, ANINA is kind of like the police here, alright? And they see people like us- people with abilities- as villains. My ability is... useful against them, to say the least."

"What does that mean? What's your power?" Kat said curiously. She felt the scientist part of her brain taking over rather than seeing the very clear red flags on this guy. "Isn't it obvious by my name?" Hypno said, winking.

"Ohh. Hypnosis? Interesting... So I'm assuming you tie the ANINA people to the chair and use your hypnosis on them? How does the hypnosis work? Well, obviously your eyes but... is there like a chemical reaction, or potentially a-..." Kat cut herself off, realizing that she was asking too many questions. "Sorry... I'm kind of a scientist."

"Yeah, I can see that... but anyways yeah, that basically sums it up. Y'know, you look a lot like a mix between a demon and a flame head. I hope you know what those are." Hypno said. Kat nodded, remembering what Aaron and Warren had mentioned about Flame heads. Was she one now...? Evidently.

"So the city that we were in is called Helix City. The building you came from is ANINA's very own Helix-Tower, a place for experiments and such. ANINA and the Helix Community are two different companies but work like two peas in a pod. ANINA rounds up all the superpowered folk and brings them to Helix to experiment on."  He explained. 

"Hmmm... Interesting!" Kat said, barely listening. She was now going through Hypno's fridge. "Uh- Hey! What are you-?" Hypno panicked for a moment and rushed over.

"You don't have any food but you have a fridge."
"I SAID... You don't have any food. Do you want me to get some? There has to be a grocery store or something somewhere nearby, right?"
"Uh... Yeah, sure, I guess. Do you want me to come with you or-?"

"No, I've pretty much memorized the way back. I'll be back in, say, half an hour?" Kat smiled and headed to the entrance of the cave.

"I- Okay??" Hypno was a bit surprised by her normalness about the situation. Kat herself didn't know why, but this felt... Natural. Normal. It didn't feel weird like everything was back at the lab. Yeah...

It felt right!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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