Chaos Care

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In which Sun and Moon are struggling to handle things in the daycare after its reopening, the establishment shiny and new but severely lacking in the supplies needed for entertainment, resulting in a wild habitat of kids whipping up chaotic ways to have fun. (Surprise AU. Takes place after the true ending, the Pizzaplex has been rebuilt for a few months at this point. I had to reupload this because when I changed SBA to a SB only book, I apparently didn't delete the right chapter...)


"I saw it first! Give it to me!"

"No way! I grabbed it first!"

Even though I hate to do it, my only move here is to take away the toy that the little ones are fighting over. I snatch it out of their hands, greeted with immediate protest in the form of groaning and yelling.

"That is enough, boys!" I state, internally cringing when my tone comes out sharper than I meant it to be. Max and Gerry notice right away, ducking their heads and staring up at me with big, sad eyes. "I- I'm sorry," I apologize immediately, feeling my servos tightening in shame. I take a breath and count to three in my head real quick, then I soften my tone as I go on. "I didn't mean to raise my voice at you both. But you two need to share if you really want to play with the same toy, because playing tug-of-war with it is only going to-"

I have to pause and actually check what I'm holding, and I just barely refrain from rolling my eyes when purple, star-shaped sunglasses stare back at me. Of course they're fighting over a Monty plushie, because there aren't enough around for them both to play with.

"Going to rip the toy and cause the stuffing to spill," I finish, turning it over in my hands and checking to make sure none of the seams are ripping, but unfortunately some are. Sighing, I crouch down in front of them and show it to them. "See? You two were pulling so hard on him that the seam around his right arm is coming undone."

"Sorry, Sun," They whimper back, slightly out of sync as they sniffle with quivering lips.

"I forgive you both, so long as you promise me you won't let it happen again."

"We promise!"

"Good." I muster a big smile for them both, holding out the Monty plushie. "Now, I'm gonna need you both to take good care of him until I have some time to sew him back up, okay? Take turns playing with him, and if someone else wants to play with him, be good sports and let 'em, alright?"

"Okay, Sun!" Max chirps, taking the plush in a careful grip.

"We'll keep him safe, we promise!"

"That means a bunch to me, thank you so much!" And with that, I wave them off as scamper off to the playstructures. The moment they're out of sight, I let my smile drop and squeeze my eyes shut, breathing slowly. Okay, okay, just count to ten and it'll be alright. One, two, thr-

Before I can even get to three full seconds, my audio processors pick up what sounds like aluminum cans toppling over with a funny little honk. It's a sound I know way too well, someone just knocked over the toy barrels.

"H- Hey!" I yelp, clambering to my feet and running over to the knocked down tower, all three barrels scattered like bowling pins. "Oh, no, what a mess! Which was the bottom, where is the top?! Clean up, clean up!"

Paralyzed, I can only glance around at them all, trying my best to remember the order they were set up in. Hesitantly, I pick up the blue one and set it down to be the bottom and work from there. I'm not even done stacking them before I hear another stack of barrels clatter to the ground. "Oh, no! Why do they keep doing that?!"

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