Tournament of Destroyers!

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Several days have passed since Vados and Champa arrived on Beerus' planet. Now, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Y/n prepare for the Tournament of Destroyers.

Y/n stood in front of his Sensei, Piccolo. For the first time since they trained in preparation of the Androids, they would spar.

Y/n: Piccolo, I want you to come at me full power from jump.

Piccolo: You don't have to tell me twice...

With that, Piccolo rushes Y/n, throwing a punch at him, but Y/n simply catches his fist and tossed Piccolo away. Piccolo then stretches his arms and grabs Y/n before speeding towards him. Y/n smirks as Piccolo gets close and headbutts the Namekian, making Piccolo release him and reel in pain. Y/n takes this opportunity to sweep Piccolo off his feet and then elbow drops him, making him cough up saliva.

Piccolo: Gah...! I have to remind myself you're not the same scared little kid you used to be...

Y/n: Hmph, I've come a long way since then...

Y/n then stands up and offers Piccolo a hand.

Piccolo smiles and takes his hand before standing up and cracking his neck.

Piccolo: You pack quite the punch, Y/n.

Y/n: You're not too shabby yourself... I can't help but wonder how strong you'd be if you had your potential unlocked.

Piccolo: Hmph... Who knows? I might surpass you.

Y/n smiles and chuckles.

Y/n: I'll just zip by you again, Piccolo.

Goku and Vegeta walk over, Goku smiling.

Goku: Awesome, thanks to your training session Piccolo's power shot through the roof!

Vegeta: Perfect timing too, we're leaving now. You ready?

Y/n: Of course.

Vegeta: Good, because our victory may rely on your Ultra Instinct power.

Goku: Vegeta? It's not like you to say something like that.

Vegeta: Hmph! The simple truth of the matter is your son is stronger than us, Kakarot! When it comes down to it, Y/n is our final trump card!

Goku: Hehe... Never thought I'd hear you admit that, Vegeta. But you're right, he's really on another level.

Piccolo: Hmph... Still, to hear Vegeta admit this... I understand that Y/n's power is in uncharted territory, but just how strong is he?

Vegeta: It seems he's at least twice as strong as Kakarot and I, but there's no telling just how strong he really is in that state.

Goku: Yeah, I can't get a real read on him. It's like he's actually a God or something.

Y/n: Come on guys, you make it seem like I'm on Lord Beerus' level or something.

He rubs the back of his head and chuckles.

Piccolo: Don't be bashful now, you act completely different when you're in the Ultra Instinct state.

???: That may be due to his more confident nature in Ultra Instinct. The power is all new to him, and it simply gets to his head.

Piccolo, Goku, Vegeta, and Y/n look over to see Whis and Beerus.

Whis: Now, are you lot ready to go?

Y/n: Yeah, but... What about our last fighter?

A small alien walks from behind Whis into view.

Beerus: Meet Monaka, the only mortal who could beat Y/n in our universe.

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