Feisty Female Fighter! Enter Caulifla!

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After a short flight, Y/n and Cabba arrive at Caulifla's hideout. Two men stood outside the main entrance and one of them steps forward.

Thug 1: What are you two doing here? Especially you, Sadala Defense Force pig! You better not be causing trouble, or I'll kick your sorry asses.

Y/n: Woah! Hostile little man, huh?

Thug 1: What was that, smartass?!

Y/n: Rather be a smartass than a dumbass. We're here to see Caulifla, so let us go in.

Thug 2: He must be stupid! He thinks he's gonna see the boss lady!

Y/n: What's your problem guys? Sheesh...

Cabba: They're not friendlies, Y/n.

Y/n: What can I do to go in?

Thug 1: Get past us, I doubt you'll be able to though!

Thug 2: Yeah, we never lose any fights!

Y/n: So you guys haven't been in a fight?

Thug 2: What'd you say, punk?!

Y/n sighs and walks over to the two guys.

Y/n: Go ahead, hit me with your all.

Thug 1: You got a death wish?! Fine! Here goes! Rah!

The thug punches Y/n in the stomach full force and a sickening crunch echoes throughout the area - the thug broke his hand on Y/n's stomach. The crunch was immediately followed by a scream of pain.

Thug 1: Gah...! What the hell...?!

Y/n: Sorry man, I didn't want to fight you.

Thug 1: Sorry? Sorry?! Sorry won't fix my fuckin' hand!

Y/n: That's a personal problem, dude.

The second thug tries to hit him with a crowbar from behind, but Y/n ducks the attack and the crowbar hits the other thug, knocking him out. Y/n then grabs the thug and throws him into the door, which is blown off the hinges as the thug crashes through it.

~ Caulifla POV ~

I was lounging and eating a hunk of dino meat when one of my guys gets slammed through the front door and ends up under the balcony I was on before stopping.

" Oi! What the hell is the big idea?! " I yell out.

???: Yo, are you Caulifla?

" You threw my guy through the front door, ya may as well come in you fucker! " I yell back.

I hear footsteps echoing through the hideout as a tall, muscular man with h/c hair and e/c eyes and a short, scrawny guy with black hair, black eyes, and a Sadala Defense Force outfit walks in.

The short guy looked nervous and a little embarrassed, and the tall guy smiles at me, though it was somewhat sheepish. He rubs the back of his head and chuckles.

???: Sorry about your front door... And your men. I, er... I wasn't really looking for a fight, but they insisted. Name's Son Y/n!

" Son... Y/n. How do you spell that, I'm billing you. " I smirk down at the doofus. There was something about him that made me not wanna kick his teeth in.

Y/n: Yeah, yeah... So, you're Caulifla?

" Damn straight, the one and only! "

Y/n: How strong are you?

" You mean you've heard of me, but not how strong I am? You're hilarious!  "

Y/n: Why don't you just show me then?

Who the hell is this Son Y/n guy? First he puts one of my men through the front door, and now he's challenging me to a fight?

" Are you stupid? "

Y/n: Nope. Come on.

" Your funeral. "

I jump off the balcony and rush Y/n, but the next thing I know, I'm looking at the ceiling and I'm flat on my back.

" H-huh? "

I jump up and see Y/n turn around.

" Did you just throw me? "

Y/n: Yep. You were moving awfully slow.

" Tch...! So you just came here to fight me, huh? Humiliate me in front of my gang? "

Y/n: Huh? No! I was coming here to offer you training.

" Training...? "

Y/n: Well, yeah. See, I'm already training Cabba here... And he could use a sparring partner around his level.

" Around his level? You tryna insult me?! "

Y/n: Nah. Besides, I can teach you something that Cabba can do.

" Yeah, like what?! "

Y/n: Super Saiyan.

" Super... Saiyan? "

Y/n: Yeah! Cabba, would you like to demonstrate?

Cabba nods and walks forward before yelling out and transforming into what I assume is a Super Saiyan.

" Woah! Is that Super Saiyan?! "

Y/n: Sure is!

Cabba drops the transformation.

" Alright, I'll agree to it. "

I walk over and poke Y/n's chest, and a light blush dusts his cheeks. Cute.

" No funny ideas though.  "

Y/n: Awesome!

Burning Desire of a Super Saiyan RE ( Male reader x Kefla )Where stories live. Discover now