Tournament Start!

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That was the response Y/n got when he was sent back to the living realm with Cell and Frieza, from everyone bar Goku, Broly, Beerus, and Whis.

Y/n: C'mon guys, I don't like it anymore than any of you, but the fact is Cell and Frieza are our safest bet. We didn't have long to train for the tournament and I've personally trained these two for the last week in a special training area normally reserved for the folks that keep their body in Otherworld.

Goku: That's the place I attained Super Saiyan 3!

Y/n was happy that Goku chimed in, coming to his aid.

Goku: Guys, I trust Y/n's judgement. And he's right on this one anyhow, we need our team as strong as possible.

Cell and Frieza scoff and cross their arms.

Frieza: Goku coming to our aid, how unsavoury...

Cell: Yes, but I will admit, this would be the smartest play, or we could rely on the weak Earthlings like Yamcha, I'm sure that'll end well.

Vegeta: Tch! Shut it, both of you! If either of you get out of line, I'll end you myself!

Cell: Oh, sweet prince... Did you skimp over the fact that Y/n personally trained us?

Vegeta growls in irritation and Y/n speaks up.

Y/n: Alright, we don't need any fighting guys, save it for later!

Beerus walks over, his tail swishing back and forth.

Beerus: Y/n is right, we need to go, or we'll be late.

Whis: You heard the deity, everyone gather round.

Piccolo, Gohan, Vegeta, Goku, Y/n, Cell, Frieza, Broly, 17, and 18 all join hands, Piccolo and 18 holding onto Whis' left and right shoulder respectively and Beerus placing his hand on Whis' and an they're all instantly teleported to a large arena in a vast, seemingly endless void.

???: Ah, Universe 7 has arrived!

The representatives of the Seventh Universe turn their attention to Champa, the God of Destruction of Universe 6.

Champa: You ready to lose, Beerus?

Beerus scoffs at his brother.

Beerus: My team will reign victorious over all other universes.

As the Gods bicker, Y/n walks over to the Universe 6 team, and waves at Caulifla, Kale, and Cabba.

Y/n: Hey you three! It's been a minute, how are you?

Caulifla: You sir are sleeping on the couch, you haven't even tried to text me.

Y/n's eyes widen and he scratches the back of his neck nervously.

Y/n: H-huh? Gee, I forgot to get your number and stuff, huh? Sorry, I-

Caulifla cuts the Earthling off by giggling, then walks over and caresses his cheek.

Caulifla: I missed ya.

Y/n's face turns red and his heart starts pounding.

Y/n: I missed you too...

Kale looks away from the two and Cabba waves awkwardly to Y/n.

Caulifla: Oh, yeah, that reminds me... Kale, er... She was jealous cuz she likes ya too.

Y/n: Huh?? What?? Seriously??

Caulifla face palms and sighs.

Caulifla: You meat head...

Y/n: Er, so then...

Caulifla: We talked about it and we're gonna share you.

Y/n: ... Huh??

Caulifla: It's fine with us. Kale, come on, come talk.

Kale shuffles over, fidgeting with her shirt nervously and looks up at Y/n once in front of him.

Kale: Sorry... For... Y-you know...

Y/n: It's fine, Kale. Er, uh... Here.

He kisses her forehead and she blushes, her whole body shivering a little.

Kale: Caulifla... Wasn't kidding... When she said your lips are soft...

She presses her fingers together and looks down.

Y/n: Well, I hope you guys are ready. The stakes are really high.

Caulifla: Yeah, what are we going to do if we end up fighting you?

Y/n: We won't, hopefully, but... Look, the winner of the tourney is gonna get a wish on the Super Dragon Balls, so if we win, I'll make sure we wish back all the universes, alright?

Caulifla giggles and kisses Y/n on the cheek.

Caulifla: You're too good to be true, Son Y/n.

Y/n: It's nothing really, just seems like what should be done.

Caulifla rests her right hand on the back of the Earthling's neck and smiles at him.

Caulifla: Still, you better be ready if we do fight, don't treat me with kiddie gloves, I want you to fight me like you mean it.

Y/n: Yes ma'am.

He smiles back at her and the two move apart before Y/n walks back over to Universe 7, everyone was watching him, even Beerus and Whis.

Whis: Well, I had suspected as such, but to be so bold as to confirm it so openly... He truly is the son of Goku, even if only in spirit.

Beerus: I can't believe he just went and seduced two fighters from another universe like that, and so casually!

Gohan: I had no idea he had it in him, well, not like that anyway.

Cell: What a disgusting display of affection, you'd better remember that your teammates don't share that affection for those females, Son Y/n.

Frieza: I must agree with Cell, none of us share your- ugh! - love for those two monkeys, they won't receive special treatment just because they're part of your little harem.

Y/n: Would you all just drop it? Sheesh!

The Earthling's face was red as he defended himself, and a voice then rings out over the vast arema.

???: Universes, I know you're all here to keep your universes from being erased, but keep in mind this is a tournament for the Omni King's amusement! As such, there are rules that must be followed! One, flying will not be permitted unless your body naturally allows this, say if you have wings. Two, there will be absolutely NO killing, killing will result in the guilty party being disqualified immediately.  And lastly, no matter the relationship between any people from two different universes, there may be only one victorious universe! Are these rules understood?

All of the Gods of Destruction, and most mortals, immediately answer with a " yes, sir ", but Y/n is confused.

Y/n: Who's that guy, Whis? He looks like you.

Whis: Ah, that's right, you weren't at the Expo since you were training with Cell and Frieza. That is the Grand Priest, advisor of Lord Zen-Oh. He's also my father.

Y/n nods and looks up at the Grand Priest, understanding that he was likely stronger than anyone he'd ever met.

Grand Priest: Without any further ado, fighters... YOU MAY BEGIN! THE TOURNAMENT OF POWER STARTS NOW!

Burning Desire of a Super Saiyan RE ( Male reader x Kefla )Where stories live. Discover now