Golden Opportunity for the Perfect Team

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As requested, King Yemma allowed Y/n down into Hell where he came face to face with Frieza, who he'd fought only a little while back.

Frieza: Ohoho! The son of Goku here to see me? How amusing.

Y/n: I'm not here just for you, Frieza... And I hate to have to resort to this, but I need your help.

Frieza perks up in amusement.

Frieza: Oh? You need my help? Whatever could be happening for you to call on me for help? And for that matter, why would I help you?

Y/n clenches his fist and grinds his teeth, his jaw tightening slightly.

Y/n: ... Look, Frieza... There's a whole multiverse, alright? And all of the universes are gonna fight each other, and we need the best our universe has to offer, or we'll be erased.

Frieza's eyes widen a little, and he remains silent, then speaks up a moment later.

Frieza: If you revive me, you can have my aid, son of Goku.

Y/n sighs and nods, holding his hand out for Frieza to shake. To his surprise, Frieza shakes his hand.

Y/n: Deal.

Frieza: Well now, you claimed you weren't just here to beseech me for help. Might I ask who else you were to visit?

Y/n: Cell... He was a bio-android created from the genes of the strongest fighters at that time, including you.

Frieza: Oh? Should I be flattered or insulted? On one hand, who could blame someone for using my glorious genes to make a supremely powerful being, but on the other hand... I don't care for knock offs.

He smirks and Y/n rolls his eyes at the Emperor of the Universe, then proceeds further down into Hell, the curious Frieza following him.

As Y/n abruptly stops, he looks up at the recently freed Cell, his heart pounding and sinking.

Cell looks down at Y/n and slowly descends, smirking.

Cell: Well if it isn't the brat that Goku brought home from the orphanage... You've changed since then, boy, I can feel it.

Y/n doesn't immediately say anything, which the observing Frieza notes before speaking up himself.

Frieza: So then, you're the android made of my DNA... I'm sorry, I'm a little unimpressed, from what I can tell you're only stronger than I was on Namek, a power that's long since become nothing to a being of my stature.

Cell turns his attention to Frieza and laughs.

Cell: Yes, I am Cell... And you are certainly far removed from your previous power, but that only means that despite all odds you can improve upon perfection... I'm quite excited at the prospect of my power evolving again.

Frieza: I may very well begin to like you, Cell, you're quite amusing.

Cell scoffs then turns back to Y/n, who still hadn't spoken to the android.

Cell: What a rude brat you've become, ignoring me...

Y/n looks up at Cell, glaring. It was obvious that the events of the Cell Games impacted him greatly.

Y/n: Cell, I need your help. Don't get me wrong, I hate you, but-

Frieza: There's a tournament approaching and the boy needs our assistance, Cell.

Cell scoffs and his smirk returns.

Cell: So then, you ask me of all people to help you? Last I saw you, you were absolutely terrified.

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