Y/n vs Jiren, Round 1

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As soon as the Grand Priest announced the start of the tournament, Y/n bolted straight for the strongest energy he felt at that moment. He zipped by and zigzagged through various attacks that were either strays or entirely meant for him, but that wasn't important to the Earthling. He stops as he comes to The Pride Troopers of Universe 11, specifically, he was locked onto the energy of their strongest member, Jiren the Gray, who was meditating.

However, there were several other Pride Troopers standing between Jiren and Y/n. Kahserole, Dyspo, and Toppo all stood in front of the Earthling.

Toppo: Oh, well look at that! Son Y/n, the strongest of Universe 7, has shown up right to our doorstep!

Dyspo: Yup, and it'd be rude to not accommodate our guest, right?

Kahserole: Exactly, I mean, he couldn't make the Expo so he must have been busy.

Y/n looks between the three Pride Troopers and sighs.

Y/n: I came looking for the guy who's meditating, he's the strongest!

Toppo: You wish to fight Jiren? Now there's an idea! A preposterous idea, but an idea.

Y/n: Are you guys gonna make me fight you first?

Dyspo: Can't worry the big man Jiren with small fry, so yeah.

Y/n raised a brow and a smirk crosses his face.

Y/n: Oh? Small fry, huh?

He takes a fighting stance and chuckles.

Y/n: You're gonna regret taking me lightly. Before we begin, what're your names?

Toppo: I am Toppo, leader of the Pride Troopers and God of Destruction candidate of Universe 11.

Dyspo: I'm Dyspo, the Lightspeed Warrior!

Kahserole: I'm Kahserole!

Y/n: I'm Son Y/n of Universe 7, the Ultra Instinct Warrior!

Kahserole and Dyspo charge Y/n simultaneously, both going for a punch, but Y/n drops down, making them hit each other, then springs up and flips away from the Pride Troopers, but Toppo hits the Earthling in the back with a kick, knocking him out of the air, but Y/n catches himself and propels himself off of the recovering Kahserole and punches Toppo in the face, knocking him back and making him stagger. Dyspo then rushes Y/n, throwing several punches, but Y/n dodged them all and sweeps him off his feet and goes for a drop kick, but Kahserole hits Y/n in the chest, knocking him to the ground. However, Y/n quickly springs to his feet again and flips onto a nearby boulder and a red aura bursts forth, shrouding the Earthling.


Kahserole: Kaio-what?!

As the words leave Kahserole's mouth, Y/n launches himself at him and punches him in the jaw, then kicks him away before ducking an attack from the side from Dyspo, then gut shots the Lightspeed Warrior before spinning around and slamming his foot into Toppo's jaw, then punches him in the stomach before spinning back around and slamming his elbow into Dyspo's face, then does a back flip and launches himself off Toppo before coming down and slamming his foot into Kahserole's back, knocking him out. As Y/n goes to move away, he's suddenly sent flying by a punch he didn't see and knocked out of the Kaioken power up. When Y/n finally catches himself, he looks up to see that Jiren was no longer meditating, but standing in front of Toppo, Dyspo, and the unconscious Kahserole.

Jiren: Taking three Pride Troopers alone is a feat in itself, but handily defeating one and keeping two of the strongest on their toes is another matter entirely. I commend you, Son Y/n, but that level of power won't match up to me.

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