Trooper Trouble

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Y/n and Toppo stare each other down and Toppo forms a sphere of destruction energy which he launches at Y/n, who simply tanks the attack before rushing Toppo and punching him in the stomach, knocking the wind and saliva out of him.

Toppo punches Y/n in the face, but Y/n then knees Toppo in the stomach, then punches him in the chest and finally kicking him in the jaw, making the destroyer fall backwards and cough up saliva.

Toppo: Your might...

Y/n looks down at Toppo, almost condescendingly.

Toppo: You are powerful.

He then makes himself stand and throws a punch at Y/n, who dodges the attack.

Y/n: Weave!

Toppo then begins throwing punch after punch, but Y/n weaves through all the attacks and he taunts the destroyer Toppo.

Y/n: What's the matter? You cast aside your own morals and justice for the sake of destruction, but it's not even enough to make you a true challenge to me. I'm unimpressed.

Toppo: Be silent, you're not so far beyond me! I've hit you, despite you being able to dodge nearly anything, I still hit you!

Y/n: I let you.

With that, Y/n goes to kick Toppo, but he's knocked out of the way and Y/n glances over to see Dyspo, who had a glow about him with his aura.

Dyspo: I'm glad I was fast enough to keep Toppo in this!

Toppo: Dyspo, let us fight Y/n together!

Y/n looks between the two and he smirks.

Y/n: Two for one deals? You guys are generous.

Dyspo rushes Y/n and attempts to kick him, but he blocks the attack with his forearm before grabbing his ankle and throws him at Toppo, who was too surprised by the action to dodge, and Dyspo crashes into Toppo, the two of them bouncing off each other and falling on their back a few feet from each other.

Y/n: You two gonna nap or fight? Come on, let's see if you two can handle small fry!

Dyspo gets to his feet first and starts running around Y/n, throwing a punch any time he passed, but Y/n dodged the punches. However Toppo attacks him from behind with a punch, but Y/n flips onto his arm. Toppo then swings at Y/n with his free hand, but Y/n jumps up and Toppo hits Dyspo, knocking him backwards.

Toppo: Dyspo!

Y/n lands on Toppo's arm and kicks him in the jaw, then flips off his upper body as Toppo crashes down as Dyspo rushes Y/n from behind, but Y/n dodges every attack he threw at him. Y/n then gut shots Dyspo, knocking the wind out of him and then he kicks him away.

Toppo slams a sphere of destruction energy into Y/n's back, but the attack didn't do anything, and Y/n turns to Toppo with a smirk.

Y/n: You two ain't gonna be able to keep up much longer.

Toppo: What makes you so sure Son Y/n?

Y/n: I'm getting bored with you two.

Toppo: You...!

He rushes Y/n, but he disappears from Toppo's field of vision. Toppo stops dead in his tracks, confused. He then gasps as he feels Y/n's knee slam into his back, a crunch accompanying the sound of impact. Y/n had broken Toppo's back. Y/n then catches him as he falls and throws him over his shoulder at Dyspo, who was rushing back over to help Toppo. Toppo's limp body slams into Dyspo and they're sent flying out of the arena. Y/n sighs and inhales deeply, clearing his mind and letting it return to normal as he drops out of Ultra Instinct. He smirks.

Y/n: You two were tough, but I'm way beyond the two of you!

Dyspo and Toppo, who had reappeared in the stands, couldn't argue. Y/n had bested them both at once.

Toppo: I leave it all to you Jiren!

Dyspo: Yeah, busy 'em up Jiren!

As the two Pride Troopers encourage Jiren, the strongest mortal in Universe 11 comes face to face with the strongest mortal in Universe 7.

Jiren: Y/n... Your power has ascended beyond even what it was before, I am surprised... But you will lose this battle!

Y/n was confident he could face Jiren, but he wasn't confident he could finish the fight. He then realizes he hasn't been paying attention to who was left from their universe. He looks to the stands and sees Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Broly, Piccolo, 17, 18, and even Frieza which meant one thing.

???: As much as I would love to watch a clash between the strongest in different universes, I'm afraid I can't allow my erasure!

Y/n looks over and sees Cell, who was smirking.

Cell: Alright Y/n, let's defeat Jiren!

Y/n scoffs and he looks over to Jiren.

Y/n: Cell... I don't like you, but I also don't got a choice but to work with you. So then, let's go!

Cell: My sentiments exactly!

With that, Y/n activates Ultra Instinct again and Cell powers into his Golden form.

Y/n/Cell: It's over Jiren, you won't beat us!

Son Y/n, the Ultra Instinct Warrior, stood beside his greatest fear and someone who was once his sworn enemy, the biological android Cell. These were the last members of Team Universe 7, and they stood against the strongest mortal in Universe 11, Jiren the Grey.

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