Warrioresses of Love?

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Y/n, Caulifla, and Kale are surprised to see a group of fighters from another universe coming towards them.

Caulifla: I thought we were hidden from view, but here come three weirdos from another universe!

Y/n: Well, I guess it was only a matter of time until someone found us.

Caulifla, Kale, and Y/n all assume their fighting stance and the other group of fighters stop just as they get within ear shot.

" Look girls, looks like my hunch was correct! Universe 6 and 7 are teaming up! "

" No matter, right Ribrianne? "

Ribrianne: Right! Rozie, Kakunsa!

The three then strike several poses before powering up, leaving Y/n with a deadpan expression.

Y/n: First the Pride Troopers, now these guys... They all remind me of the Ginyu Force...

After Ribrianne, Rozie, and Kakunsa power up and transform, Ribrianne laughs.

Ribrianne: You three all have a bond! A love for each other, even!

Y/n: Ye-

Caulifla then speaks up, raising a fist.

Caulifla: What's it to you?!

Kakunsa: We're warrioresses of love!

Rozie: Love is beautiful and worth fighting for!

Ribrianne: So what love do you know?

Caulifla seems frazzled, but responds with her usual attitude.

Caulifla: Kale and I are like sisters! And Y/n... We both love Y/n, and he loves us!

Ribrianne: Polygamy? Y/n, you fiend!

She points an accusing finger at Y/n.

Ribrianne: Is one lover not enough?! Must you be so selfish and treat your partner as if she's inadequate?!

Y/n: I never said that! Who the hell are you to tell me off, huh?! Which one of the girls with you is your girlfriend?!

Ribrianne, Kakunsa, and Rozie gasp.

Ribrianne: We are not lovers, we are sisters in arms!

Y/n: The way you keep yapping and preaching about love, I didn't figure you'd be single!

Kakunsa: Hey!

Rozie: Low blow, she just got dumped!

Y/n: You three are clowns, seriously! You're all tryna preach love to people in a tournament to decide whether or not we get erased!

Ribrianne: Love must be preserved, so we will win this tournament!

Y/n: By putting us to sleep about how our love is flawed while you're fresh off a break up like Taylor Swift?!

Ribrianne: How dare-

Y/n leaps over and punches Ribrianne before drop kicking Rozie and Kakunsa away.

Y/n: I'm tired of hearing you run your mouths! Fight me!

Caulifla and Kale were surprised that Y/n had suddenly sprung into action.

Caulifla: I wasn't expecting you to be that upset to attack before giving them a chance to begin.

Y/n: I can't stand to hear them talk about you two like that, so I shut them up.

Caulifla blushes and Kale smiles.

Caulifla: Y-you did that for... For us?

Y/n nods as the warrioresses of love circle him and begin throwing several coordinated attacks at the Earthling, but he dodges all of them and back flips away back with Caulifla and Kale.

Y/n: If you lovely ladies don't mind, I would like a little assistance taking these clowns down!

Caulifla and Kale nod and they transform into Super Saiyan, though Y/n was surprised to see Kale was in control.

Kale: Y-you look surprised... We trained while you were away...

Y/n grins and chuckles.

Y/n: Good, I'm proud of you two!

The female Saiyans both blush and smile.

Ribrianne: Your love is true, but it's not strong enough to defeat us!

Y/n: I wouldn't count us out!

Caulifla begins fighting Kakunsa, trading punches and kicks, and Kale begins fighting Rozie while Y/n fights Ribrianne.

Caulifla: You three ain't beating us! No way!

Kale: We... Will win!

Y/n: That's the spirit you two!

Y/n flips away from Ribrianne and fires several Ki blasts at her, then as she struggles to avoid them, he launches himself towards her and punches her, sending her flying, he then fires a Kamehameha and knocks her out of bounds. Meanwhile, Kakunsa and Rozie had teamed up against Kale and Caulifla, but were being pushed back by the Saiyans.

Y/n: Alright, knock them out the arena! You got this!

The female Saiyans nod and fire two large Ki blasts which combined and hit Rozie and Kakunsa head on, knocking them out of bounds.

The Saiyans then turn to Y/n, and they nod to each other.

Caulifla: Alright Y/n, it's time you fought us. No going easy, either.

Y/n: Oh, yeah?

Kale: Y-yes, but... We can't match you...

Caulifla: Not on our own, at least.

Y/n: So you guys have back up planned?

Caulifla: More like insurance, tough guy.

She and Kale pull out a pair of Potara and put them on their ears, and Y/n seems surprised, but smirks.

Y/n: Perfect.

The two collide into each other and their energy engulfs them in a large pillar of light, which slowly dies down revealing their fusion.

???: Kale plus Caulifla, whaddya get? The strongest Saiyan, Kefla!

Y/n: Kefla... You're even more cocky than Caulifla. Cute too.

He grins at her, his heart was racing at both the idea of fighting her and just her in general, her aura, her attitude, her looks were all screaming at him.

Kefla smirks and rushes Y/n, throwing a punch which he manages to block.

Kefla: Heh! Falling for me already?~

Y/n blushes lightly and stutters.

Y/n: Well, I mean, um...

Kefla: You're adorable, really!

She jumps back and cracks her knuckles.

Kefla: Ready, pretty boy?

Y/n nods and takes a battle stance.

Y/n: Let's do this!

Burning Desire of a Super Saiyan RE ( Male reader x Kefla )Where stories live. Discover now