thirty four.

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"and he saw us two and now i don't even have a chance to explain and please don't say i told you so because that's just gonna make me feel worse," sunoo sobbed in sio's arm - who just sighed and rubbed his back.

"did you try texting him?"

"yes but he just left me on read-"

"is he still in suwon-si?" she interrupted him to ask.

"yes?" he warily said.

"why don't you try meeting him somewhere, i'm sure he'll listen."'

"sio. he won't."

"what does he do when he's sad?"

sunoo thought hard, "i'm not sure. drink i guess?"

"i'm on it," sio got up and put her jacket on, hugging sunoo once more before leaving his house.


sio knew sunghoon would still remember her from highschool. they had one of the best friend groups how could you forget one another? she found out what hotel sunghoon was staying at from sunoo and went to all the bars near there. at first, there was a struggle to find him - but then, she finally saw him in one of the bars sitting at the front with a bottle of alcohol that was only 1/4 full now.

she sighed and slammed her hand on the table in front of him, quickly taking it away and shaking it though since it hurt.

sunghoon just squinted his eyes and looked up, "sio?" he asked, half-drunk.

she smiled a little before sighing and sitting down, "you need to let sunoo explain-"

"if you've come here to talk to me about him i don't wanna hear it."

"yeah but you can't just assume-"

"assume? i think i know what i saw that night sio," he managed to spit out before getting up and throwing some cash on the table to pay for his drink, leaving the bar soon after.

sio sighed, but she wasn't finished. 

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