When I see Killian I almost run to his side forgetting where we are. His left eye is black, blue, and swollen. I contain myself and don't look at him and he doesn't look at me either. We sit and the meeting commences. I wonder who did that to him. Surely if it was one of us war would've already broken out. Nothing in these meetings had gotten physical, yet. Who else would do that to him? I need to know what happened to him.

During the break for lunch I slip a note into Killian's navy jacket letting him know that I will be waiting for him to visit tonight. The Jones' leave early today because the heads of the families argue to the point of yelling once again.

Mother enlists me into helping her with dinner.

"How come I never hear about that one boy you used to talk about. What's his name?" Mother asks. I fill water in a pot to boil. What an odd question.

"Graham. Remember I told you he started dating someone else. Anyway he was a little dumb for my taste," I say as I place the pot on the stove. Mother continues to cube the beef for tonight's stew.

"Oh that's a real shame. Is there someone else who has caught your eyes?" she asks casually.

"No, not really. Why?" I say uneasy by her questions.

"Well, you're a young, beautiful lady and every man should be knocking at our door, but no one is," she sighs, "I just want you to know what it's like to be in love."

"What Father does for a living tends to scare the boys away. It's fine I don't mind," I shrug. I add vegetables to the boiling water. I lean against the counter and give Mother my full attention.

"Well I know you don't, but your father and I are worried," I raise my eyebrows at this.

"Oh no did you two do something," I groan and my cheeks automatically redden.

"No oh no. This is a good thing. Do you know Neal Cassidy?" she asks with a bright smile.

"Yes, he works for Father," I cross my arms, knowing where this is going.

"Well yes, but he's a nice man and you don't find too many of those. Anyway, Logan said he's interested in you," she adds.

"Logan's in on this too? Do you guys just sit around talking about me?" I ask.

"Emma, I think you should consider going out with Neal. It would be good for you to relax, have a good time. It would make your father happy," she says lightly. I just roll my eyes at this. All of this has been orchestrated by Logan and Tommy. I know it has been. They are trying to separate Killian and I. They don't know I know what they have been up to though. If I play this correctly they won't be the wiser about Killian and I. No matter what I can't say no to this it would just confirm all suspicions about Killian and I. We can't have that.

"I'll consider it. If he wants to go out with me he should buck up and ask me himself, not do it through third parties," I huff.

"I'll be sure he gets the message," Mother chuckles, "My goodness this is exciting," she cheers.

"I haven't agreed yet. I said I'd consider it," I correct her. The more unwilling I seem about this the more believable it is.

"Its something though," she smiles and continues with making dinner. I leave unable to handle her happiness. Dinner is a quiet affair. Logan tries to talk to me several time and I give him one word answers. "Emma, what's wrong?" he asks surprised.

"Ever meddle in my love life again I will ensure you can never father children, is that understood?" I clarify in a sickly sweet voice, in an attempt to not bring attention to our conversation.

Lines Crossed: A Captain Swan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now