Chapter 17 - A Single Spark Can Burn The Whole Place Down

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*****Kaitlyn's Point Of View*****

"Alright, if anything goes wrong, go to the office, okay?" Mom instructed.

I was shaking already. "I c-can't go in Mom..."

"Please bub, just try."

"I d-don't know if I can..." I whispered.

"I'll go in with you and we'll talk to the principal, okay?"

My hands were still shaking. "O-Okay..."

We walked straight into the office to see the principal.

"Hello Mrs Urie, Kaitlyn."

I didn't say anything, just tightened my grip on Sarah's hand.

"Hello. I'm just here to talk about Kaitlyn." She explained.

"Oh, okay. What do you want to talk about?"

"Well as you probably know, she's just coming back today but she's really nervous and quite scared, so I was wondering if you knew how I could help with that."

She nodded. "Okay, well, just come through here and we'll talk."

"Sure." Sarah murmured, leading me through to the office.

I was dead silent and looked around the room, trying to calm down.

"So what can we do?" Sarah asked.

"Well she could talk to the councillor to see if he can settle her back into it..."

"Does that sounds okay bub?" Sarah asked.

"I-I don't know." I sniffled.

"Anything else?" Sarah asked.

"There's not much more I can suggest. She's already missed so much school, it would only make it worse if she were to miss more."

"Well, let's just try the councillor and I guess that's our only choice..." Sarah murmured.

"Would you like me to guide you two there?"

"Yes please."

She led us through the halls and after a little while, I collected my surroundings and began to recognise everything. She stopped in from of the councillor's office.

"Well, here it is."

Mom nodded. "Thank you for your help."

She smiled. "No problems. Well, I have to head back now, I'll see you later Kaitlyn."

I waved goodbye slightly and took a deep breath, still trying to adapt.

Mom knocked on the door and Derek opened it. He smiled when he saw us.

"H-Hi..." I whispered.

"Hi Kaitlyn, and I'm assuming Kaitlyn's Mom?"

Mom nodded. "I'm Sarah." She introduced.

Derek shook her hand. "Derek. Come in, take a seat."

We sat down and I shuffled up right beside Sarah, almost on top of her.

"It's okay bub." She whispered, sensing my nerves.

"Alright, what brings you two here?" Derek asked.

"Kaitlyn's just, really nervous about her first day back and we were hoping you could help." Mom explained.

He nodded. "I can try. Why are you nervous Kaitlyn?"

"I-I don't w-want people to b-be mean to me a-and I don't w-want to get in trouble f-for not being h-here." I sniffled.

The Fear of Falling Apart | Just One Regret #2Where stories live. Discover now