Chapter 16 - If Home Is Where The Heart Is, Then We're All Just...

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*****Kaitlyn's Point Of View*****

"I still can't believe you're not coming with me." I pouted.

June shrugged. "I told you, you won't need me."

The door opened and June quickly hid away.

"Your Mom's here." Melissa said simply.

"O-Oh, okay." I murmured, picking up my bag. I felt a strong sense of sadness as I looked back to see the closet.

"A-Are you sure June?" I whispered finally.

She peeped out and nodded.

"Come on Kaitlyn, let's go." Melissa sounded a little annoyed.


She sighed and shook her head. "Now, Kaitlyn."

I glumly followed her out of the room to the reception, where Sarah was waiting. Her face lit up when she saw me.

"Hey Bub!"

"Hey..." I murmured.

"What's wrong?" She asked, sounding concerned.


"Liar. What's wrong Kaitlyn?"

I sniffled. "J-June isn't c-coming home with m-me."

"Oh... well, maybe that can be a good thing?"

I scowled. "You're just like everyone else! June isn't imaginary! She's as real as you are!"

Sarah bit her lip. "Let's go home bub."

I grabbed my bag and begrudgingly followed her out to the car.

"I assume Dad isn't home?"

"You are correct. You can call him tonight if you'd like."

I sighed. "Alright..."

"Um... let's get you up to speed with what's been going on... Um, Nicole started a fight and she's been suspended for two weeks."


"Jax is a little upset because your Dad isn't around, and, well, yeah." Sarah finished with a sigh.


"Pretty much."

"Do I have to go to school?"

"Not at first. You can have a few days off to settle back in, but you will have to go back to school bub."

I sighed. "That sucks."

"I know, but it's truly for the best."

"You should just homeschool us." I mumbled.

"You need the social interaction Kaitlyn." Sarah told me. "You really do."

"I don't. It's terrifying."

"I'm not letting you become a hermit." She stated.

"I'm not going to become a hermit!"

"You won't as long as I'm around."

"Well, I'm making this clear now, I am not going to school. Ever. I've had enough. It's always terrible."

"Kaitlyn Urie, you are going to school and you don't have the right to tell me otherwise."

"You're supposed to do what's best for me." I muttered.

"And I am. You need a good education, and a good dose of social interaction, and that's why you're going to school."

The Fear of Falling Apart | Just One Regret #2Where stories live. Discover now