Chapter 8 - Pickles

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***** Nicole's Point of View *****

I sat outside of the school, waiting for Dad, but my old friends found me first.

"You waiting for your girlfriend?" They sneered.

I sighed. They haven't stopped giving me grief all day.

"I don't have a girlfriend." I murmured.

"Of course you don't! No one would want to go out with you!"

Lucy slapped me across the face. "Did that slap the gay out of you?" She asked innocently.

"No." I muttered, picking up my bag and walking away. They left me alone after that luckily, but I was still waiting for Brendon, who was now 20 minutes late. I found myself wondering why the other girls were still here.

I saw the car come down the street, so I walked to the edge of the sidewalk. Brendon stopped the car and let me in. Sarah and Jaxon were in the car too.

"Hey guys." I muttered, throwing my bag on the floor as I got in.

"Hey Nikki!" Jaxon chirped.

"What's wrong?" Sarah immediately asked.

"Nothing." I muttered.

"Doesn't sound like nothing..."

"It's fine Sarah. Don't worry." I tried to assure.

"Okay, we're here if you want to talk." She stated.

I nodded and looked around the window.

"Is there anywhere you want to go while we're out?" Brendon asked.

I shook my head. "Is there any reason why everyone's here?"

"You, Jax and I are going to the hairdressers and Bren's going to get some groceries."

I nodded. "That's cool."

"So, did you have fun at school?"

I shrugged. "I suppose."

"That's good." Sarah smiled.

I bit my lip and nodded. "How were you two today?"

"We were good. Got a bit of cleaning done."

"That's good." I nodded.

She shrugged. "I guess so. Still lots more to do though."

"I'll help when we get back." I offered.

"Oh, no, it's fine. Don't worry. You can just relax."

I shook my head. "I want to help."

"Well, maybe you can put a load of washing on."

I nodded. "Course."

We pulled into a parking lot of a mall. "Alright, everyone out."

I helped Jaxon out and we stood outside the car waiting for further instructions.

Sarah got out of the car with a bit of help from Brendon and we all walked inside. Brendon soon left us to do the groceries.

"Let's go to the salon." Sarah smiled, going to take Jax from me.

"I don't want to go Mommy!" Jaxon exclaimed.

"It's okay Jax." I assured. "Remember when I used to cut your hair with the scissors at our old apartment?"

"Y-Yeah?" He stammered.

"Well, that's all they're going to do. But they're going to be a bit better at it than I was."

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