Chapter 5 - Sleepover Shenanigans

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*****Nicole's Point of View*****

"Stay safe, call us if you need us, okay?" Sarah reiterated.

I nodded. "Of course."

I got out of the car and walked up to Lucy's front door. I knocked a few times, and nervously waited for her to answer.

She opened the door. "Nicole! Come in! Everyone else is in the lounge already."

I smiled and walked inside. "Nice house."

She nodded. "Rich parents. It's great."

I nodded. "It's pretty cool."

She led me to the lounge room and I put down my bag before sitting on the blankets and pillows laid out on the floor with everyone else.

"Hey Nicole!" Annaliese greeted. "How are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"Pretty good." She grinned.

"What'd I miss?"

"Not much. We're looking at Byron's facebook page."

"What's on there? Anything interesting?"

"There's lots of pictures." Lucy stated. "He's so hot!"

I chuckled awkwardly. "I guess so..."

"Look at this one! Look at those abs!" Annaliese pulled a photo of Byron up.

I turned away, honestly feeling horribly out of place.

"I don't understand how someone can be so adorable but so amazingly hot at the same time." Beck swooned.

"I don't know how someone can be attracted to that." I mumbled under my breath.

"And his little brother!" Annaliese pulled a picture of another boy up. "Oh my god, he's almost as hot as Byron."

"You guys are crazy." I sighed, falling back onto the pillows.

"It's like you're queer or something, far out. Who are you into?"

I went silent. "There's this gir-guy called Luc-ifer....yeah."

"Don't lie. You can trust us."

"Um...Lucifer. Yeah, he's cool. His parent's are like total devil worshippers though..."

Lucy frowned. "What school does he go to?"

"T-The one on Parkinson's road?"

"What's his last name?" Annaliese asked as she went to the computer. "Let's look at pictures. Is he hot?"

"He doesn't have a facebook account." I stated.

"Everyone has a facebook account. What's his last name?"

"He doesn't exist..." I mumbled.

"Lucifer Hennings? Is that him?" Lucy asked, pointing a picture of a guy around our age.

I nodded. "Yep."

"He's my neighbour! Oh my god!"

The girls' face shrivelled up. "He's so ugly!"

I frowned. They had a point. I personally hated boys but even considering that, that dude was not appealing at all.

"He's got...a nice personality?"

"If you say so..." They mumbled.

"He's such a geek!" Lucy exclaimed. "All he does is play video games and drink pepsi!"

"Yeah..." I stated nervously.

"How did you two meet anyway?" Annaliese asked.

"Family friends." This lying thing seemed to get easier as it went on.

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